Me at 290 Need Cycle Advice


Death Dealer
Here's some shots I took yesterday weighing in around 292. The new ones are at the top then some of me before ever lifting and at the bottom are pics are me at the end of the summer about 30 pounds lighter. Please excuse my disgusting skin tone and the fact that I am a pile of goo. Stats 6'4 age 20

Edit: Time for the pics to come down. If for some reason you are dying to see them pm me.

One to the cycle question. It should be obvious to all that a cut is in order. I am currently on day 6 of post cycle therapy (pct) for a 3 week superdrol cycle which didn't do too much for me. That is the only Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) I've ever used.I plan on giving my body at least a couple months to recover from the SD so my firs real cycle will be in april or may. So here is the first cycle plan as of now:
(1-4) Test Prop 100 mg eod
(1-12) Test enan 500 mg/wk
Will be using liquidex or some of that new Aromatest stuff throughout as well as at least 500 iu/wk HCG.

The question is should I
1. Cut first, settle for losing some muscle, then cycle
2. Cut for first cycle, miss out on first cycle gains
3. Keep bulking, try for lean gains
4. Cut 6 weeks then evaluate and possibly lean bulk for 6 weeks

What do you all think?
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you have some great size for really never cycling and i think you said you're only 20 years old. i would say cut up for now. you really shouldn't cycle until you are at least 21..... bones are still growing. you may have already fucked with that with the 3 weeks of superdrol. but when you decide to cycle, the test prop, enan cycle looks good. that 3 week superdrol cycle was worthless in my opinion. should have went with the test prop, enan to start with. anyway cut up for awhile, just eat clean and keep lifting.
damn man. are those pics of you a few years ago?

how long you been training? I think you great already. Fantastic back!
cigarmuscle said:
damn man. are those pics of you a few years ago?

how long you been training? I think you great already. Fantastic back!

Thank you very much for the compliments. The pics are me at 15 and 16.