OP, Google the loading and maintenance dose protocol, the dose is weight related and depend on how many mcg your vials are.
It is pretty straightforward but you don't want to mess with doses, considering the sides of the first injections overdosing the product must not be a pleasant experience.
The change is super fast, but M2 do not make you tan by itself until your reach the maintenance phase. You must inject it AND expose your skin to UV. However it makes you tan straight brown, without going through the first red skin phase (very first UV exposure). I'm dark haired, black eyed, naturally fairly white skin, I tan deep brown easily but the first few days under the sun my tan is more red than brown, M2 skip this phase make your skin go straight brown.
At 2-3 light tanning bed session / week (7-10mn with low tube strength) you will get dark brown within 2 weeks if you use M2. It is a fantastic product and I loved it but had to discontinue due to some sides I'll list below.
Sides are:
Fist injections (loading):
- Slight headache, slight nausea, hot waves. This last only 20mn immediately following the injection. Also light skin redness, last for 15-20mn too
- Uncontrollable erection. This last much longer than 20mn and is pretty impressive
Over time (maintenance):
- Darkening of existing sunspots, moles, freckles
- Spontaneous moles
The side above is I why I stopped to use it. I noticed that I was getting small moles than I never had before, on hands, back, face.
It is a bit scary and after inquiring about it I saw that not everybody got this side but that some got it really bad, there are horror story with people getting literally covered with big, dark moles. I didn't want to run the risk so I discontinued it. It was my 3rd or 4th cycle with it. Beyond this annoying thing I loved the stuff. Great tan without the danger of extensive UV exposure: cancer, skin aging, etc...
Indeed but to reach the same level of tanning without M2 you would have to go through much more, much longer tanning sessions, not healthy at all IMHO.