Melanotan 2 Safety

Hey buddy my story might interest you. The story im going to tell isnt ment to scare anyone away from using the pep it is a miracle drug for someone who cant tan or has a low skin type. BUT it does have some serious implacations on curtain individuals i cant tell u who or why but it does so listen. So back in march 2010 i started using the pep i loaded with 1mg a day(to big of a dose take note) anyway by about the 2 week mark i was noticable darker and it wasnt sunny and i was hardly gettin much uv at this point i started to tan and holly shit i went BLACK in a major way , i had ppl asking me if i was aboriginal it didnt look right being that my eyes r blue anyway . i started to maintain at that point at roughly .5 a week my tan faded substanially after a few months but i was still a nice golden colour everything was going fine after every injection i would experience flushing,boners , stomach ache ect ect but it does get less and less the more u use anyway at about the 6 month mark one night(hadnt injected) i started too develop flu like symptons and i became really sick (high fevor,body cramps,headace,faceace userwell flu like symptons) at the time i thought nothing of it thought i had contracted the regular flu so i continued to dose a month went by and i got the exact same illness again , i started to wonder if maybe mt2 was related to it so i started to muck around with it i wouldnt inject one week then i would inject the next and sure enough everytime i would jab or maybe not everytime but curtainly eventually i would get sick within 24-72 hours prior to injection (mind u after the 6 month mark i also started to feel incredible tired and lethargic my sex drive also diminished qiet a bit ). In my opinion what i experienced was my immune system fighting the pep its like my body stopped accepting it and to this day even low doses or different suppliers i cant tolerate the pep same thing happens with mt1 . Its odd coz i no bros who have used for 4-5 years streight no issues . The key with this pep is less is better the shit is stronggggggggg !
I can't give you long term results, but pay attention to your dosage. I figured mine out late at night when I was tired. I over dosed. NOT GOOD. Absolutely ruined me for two days. Also had a boner that didn't go away for 10 hours. Made work - awkward. I agree, less is better.
dude ur a SMART son of a bitch, i would love to be able to use again . that interests me sounds ridiculous but it never the less. and yes i am an allergic person b4 the pep i would get sinus ,sneezing all of that stuff
wow, thankyou bro autoradiography? can u explain that in normal terms ? im 100% curtain that what i experience is an immune related thing coz the sickness i get is basically a flu ( a bad one) . Questions i havent used MT2 properly for about 6 months now will the antibodies i have built go away ? I also have tryed MT1 i gave up on it because the effects were just so minimal at the small doses i was using , i can tolerate small amounts of mt2 like half of .25 i dont even no what that is but basically i get my 10ml vial of the pep mix it with 200 units of bac water then draw out .25 if that on my slin syringe i can manage that 2-3 times a week . does very little but maybe over time it would be effective . is thier anyway i can cleanse my body out of all of this shit ? thankyou dude
thankyou bro, u r a smart sob i have a headace just reading that , thanks heaps it all sort of makes sense i think ill try MT1 at low doses after ive had an extended break from either of the peps . coz im telling u when u get sick from this shit its not fun it is fucked. really fucked flu x10 i thought i was dieing .
also bro, i was thinking and what do u think the chances are that my body will reconise the MT1 the same as it reconises the MT2 , how much difference is thier in thier structure ? goodman
For most users who take the appropriate dosage Melanotan II does not present any adverse side effects. Of those who do experience mild negative side effects they are generally those documented in the original clinical study of Melanotan II in humans, namely: flushing of the face and mild nausea. These side effects usually only last for 1-2 hours after the injection and usually only occur after the first 1-3 injections, after which they do not occur again unless a long break is taken between usage.
To reduce the occurrence of side effects its recommended to take your dose just before going to sleep at night and preferably having eaten 1-2 hours before (i.e. not on an empty stomach). If you are sensitive you should also take an anti-histamine 2 hours before injection.
While Melanotan II was developed by scientists in the 1980***8217;s its usage in the general population is relatively new, with the earliest reports dating back to 2003. Unfortunately it***8217;s impossible to know for certain the long term side effects of any product until it has been used by many individuals for a long period of time. Pleasingly though, reports and detailed logs from people using the product consistently for the past 5-6 years indicate that there are no documented negative long term side effects of Melanotan II usage. Furthermore an exhaustive search of thousands of users via blogs, online forums and social sites indicates that the overall response to Melanotan 2 is nothing short of miraculous. Positive noted effects included increased libido for men and women, healthier erections for men especially in the mornings and clitoral stimulation for women throughout the day, so much in fact many refer to it as the women***8217;s Viagra. Lastly some have reported noticeable fat burning properties and not only a deeper and accelerated tan but less risk of getting sun burns. It***8217;s no wonder so many people are demanding this product from places like Rockstar Chemicals.
This is not to say that safety of Melanotan II guaranteed, the information presented should not be mistaken as medical fact. As with any product (even licensed over the counter products) the safety and reaction of each individual cannot be 100% assured. So far though, no serious negative consequences have been reported by users. Furthermore, no hypothetical side effects or warnings reported in the media have been proven or substantiated with scientific fact they are merely attempts not to get consumers to use an unlicensed product.
For most users who take the appropriate dosage Melanotan II does not present any adverse side effects. Of those who do experience mild negative side effects they are generally those documented in the original clinical study of Melanotan II in humans, namely: flushing of the face and mild nausea. These side effects usually only last for 1-2 hours after the injection and usually only occur after the first 1-3 injections, after which they do not occur again unless a long break is taken between usage.
To reduce the occurrence of side effects its recommended to take your dose just before going to sleep at night and preferably having eaten 1-2 hours before (i.e. not on an empty stomach). If you are sensitive you should also take an anti-histamine 2 hours before injection.
While Melanotan II was developed by scientists in the 1980***8217;s its usage in the general population is relatively new, with the earliest reports dating back to 2003. Unfortunately it***8217;s impossible to know for certain the long term side effects of any product until it has been used by many individuals for a long period of time. Pleasingly though, reports and detailed logs from people using the product consistently for the past 5-6 years indicate that there are no documented negative long term side effects of Melanotan II usage. Furthermore an exhaustive search of thousands of users via blogs, online forums and social sites indicates that the overall response to Melanotan 2 is nothing short of miraculous. Positive noted effects included increased libido for men and women, healthier erections for men especially in the mornings and clitoral stimulation for women throughout the day, so much in fact many refer to it as the women***8217;s Viagra. Lastly some have reported noticeable fat burning properties and not only a deeper and accelerated tan but less risk of getting sun burns. It***8217;s no wonder so many people are demanding this product from places like Rockstar Chemicals.
This is not to say that safety of Melanotan II guaranteed, the information presented should not be mistaken as medical fact. As with any product (even licensed over the counter products) the safety and reaction of each individual cannot be 100% assured. So far though, no serious negative consequences have been reported by users. Furthermore, no hypothetical side effects or warnings reported in the media have been proven or substantiated with scientific fact they are merely attempts not to get consumers to use an unlicensed product.
Brilliant! Never thought to take an anti-histamine before pinning! Just got my gear from Rockstar Chemicals, I'll post some pics in a week or two!