Melanotan for a lil color and libido!?!


New member
What's up guys, I'm going to be starting my first try at using peptides during my upcoming post cycle therapy (pct). I'm going to be trying Ipamorelin and CJC 1295.

I was reading up on melanotan...I found reports that it helps with libido while giving you some good color. Now...I also found that it can make birth marks etc really dark as well. Since as I've gotten older, my Irish half has blessed me with being pale in the winter...decent color in the summer. I much rather use a peptide then fry in the sun, but curious if there are any serious sides to using this. Thanks for any info!
Melanotan2 has an added sequence to induce melanotan stimulation called PT141. The PT141 is a libido enhancer and causes sporadic erections. The side effects of melaotan2 are an increase in areas such as moles, birth marks and even around the eye area. These do evetually level out with the other area's of the skin. The sides do recede when less administration but some claim they do not. Im not aware of any research to prove that is true. When you stop taking the Mel2 there is no stimulation to stay dark. It's a given.

Good luck in your peptide animal research. Look for my melanotan2 sale this coming friday it's going to be SUPER CHEAP!
Diggy you want the MT II. For libido I think you want to give your research animal 1mg a day for 2-3 weeks then you back down to a maintenance dose of 500mcg 1-2 times a week. I may be off on times and numbers.

I started at 250mcg, then moved up to 500mcg. You want to start low. Somepeople experience head aches if the dose to high too fast.

I didn't go over 500mcg. I did 250 the first couple of days, then 500 for a little while, then 250 again around two times a week until it was gone.

I went tanning 2-3 times over a 6-8 week period. I didn't want to get real dark, just a nice even tan. It's crazy how good this stuff works. You will get a perfect tan, and you can control the level of color on your research animal. Best tan I've ever had and very easy to get it.

I did have an increase in the darkness of moles on my rat. It was surprising at first because I didn't realize I had so many, but once they faded I realized they were always there just much lighter in color.

Make sure to cover your eyes while tanning. The skin around your research subjects eyes is thin, I didn't do this and got really dark circles around my rats eyes. Again I was trying to get him really dark, just what I considered a perfect color. That was the worst part for mr, next time I cover my rats eyes and it was fine

I also noticed that my rats facial hair appeared darker. Let ms explain, he keeps a very short, close cut beard. When I say close, using clippers with no gaurds. If I had to shave the facial hair off, it always starts to grow by the next morning, but the you could see it better and it appeared darker. Strange but it looked good so I kept it even shorter than normal but it looked better.

The moles lightened back to normal after I stopped using it, and tha tan stayed much longer than a normal tan.

My eat didn't notice much in terms of libido, but was on test/mast/deca/caber at the time so libido was already sky high. But it's proven to work for this and the only thing that works in this way.

I liked it and had a good experience besides the dark circles my rat had. Someone asked him if he got punched in the eye. Lol. And in the first few days his skin looked a little olive color while starting to get darker. I'm going to use this again and the darker you get the more even everything looks.

Plus osta will have it on sale Friday so I might as well grab some too.
Diggy you want the MT II. For libido I think you want to give your research animal 1mg a day for 2-3 weeks then you back down to a maintenance dose of 500mcg 1-2 times a week. I may be off on times and numbers.

I started at 250mcg, then moved up to 500mcg. You want to start low. Somepeople experience head aches if the dose to high too fast.

I didn't go over 500mcg. I did 250 the first couple of days, then 500 for a little while, then 250 again around two times a week until it was gone.

I went tanning 2-3 times over a 6-8 week period. I didn't want to get real dark, just a nice even tan. It's crazy how good this stuff works. You will get a perfect tan, and you can control the level of color on your research animal. Best tan I've ever had and very easy to get it.

I did have an increase in the darkness of moles on my rat. It was surprising at first because I didn't realize I had so many, but once they faded I realized they were always there just much lighter in color.

Make sure to cover your eyes while tanning. The skin around your research subjects eyes is thin, I didn't do this and got really dark circles around my rats eyes. Again I was trying to get him really dark, just what I considered a perfect color. That was the worst part for mr, next time I cover my rats eyes and it was fine

I also noticed that my rats facial hair appeared darker. Let ms explain, he keeps a very short, close cut beard. When I say close, using clippers with no gaurds. If I had to shave the facial hair off, it always starts to grow by the next morning, but the you could see it better and it appeared darker. Strange but it looked good so I kept it even shorter than normal but it looked better.

The moles lightened back to normal after I stopped using it, and tha tan stayed much longer than a normal tan.

My eat didn't notice much in terms of libido, but was on test/mast/deca/caber at the time so libido was already sky high. But it's proven to work for this and the only thing that works in this way.

I liked it and had a good experience besides the dark circles my rat had. Someone asked him if he got punched in the eye. Lol. And in the first few days his skin looked a little olive color while starting to get darker. I'm going to use this again and the darker you get the more even everything looks.

Plus osta will have it on sale Friday so I might as well grab some too.

Thanks guys! User, thanks for the experience of your research. Always love to hear first hand what it is these things do. I am a little iffy research animal tends to have dark around the eyes when lacking sleep...(his job on the hamster wheel is 24 hours shifts). His dark circles aren't really bad, just more apparent after staying awake for 2 days straight.

But if you think just completely covering them while tanning will avoid making them worse, I'm down to try it on him!

Thanks again.
I plan on getting some MTII as well. I believe I need to buy sterile water along with it? How much do I mix? Does this need to be refridgerated? Other than that I believe its just injected SubQ with an insulin needle, correct? Probably once a day, in the stomach area? Does morning or night matter? Thanks...
For melanotan, I pre-load the slinnies then freeze them. Melanotan seems to degrade quickly even when just refrigerated but freezing them seems to work well for me.
Melatotan 2 Huge Libido Booster

I started injecting 30 IU's per day yesterday. It stung a lot. Never had an injection do that. Each time I had face flush. Wow!! My libido is super charged now. Today has been more about trying to keep it unnoticeable because this stuff is so powerful. Not sure how long it will take to see the tan come in. But the libido stories are completely true.
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Hope this helps...

Melanotan 2 (MT-II)

Melanotan 2 Dosing:

Light: .25mg
Common: .50mg
Large: 1mg

Melanotan 2 (MT-II) is an analog of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (a-MSH). Melanotan 2 comes in the form of a freeze dried (lyophilized) peptide in a sterile multi-use vial.

Melanotan 2 acts on melanocytes to stimulate melanin production. Melanin is the body's natural pigment responsible for your tan.

Melanocortins are a family of peptides beginning with the sequence: His-Phe-Arg-Trp. Melanotan peptides bind to and activate melanocortin receptors (MCRs) which influence pigmentation, inflammation, energy homeostasis, appetite and sexual function. MT-2 MCRs: MC1R, MC3R, MC4R & MC5R.

Melanotan 2 is a smaller and more potent than M-I (which targets MC1R) targeting more receptors. Melanotan 2 has a protective ring-like amino acid structure as compared to a linear peptide such as Melanotan One or Afamelanotide.

What does this mean? The fair skinned CAN achieve a natural tan with synthetic MSH, Melanotan 2. For people with sun allergies these discoveries are life changing. The best defense against skin cancer is a natural tan developed over time. MT-2 was designed to reduce skin cancer rates and be effective as a sunless tanner.

So who uses Melanotan 2? Athletes and fitness enthusiasts choose MT-2 as a lifestyle product to increase tanning efficacy, the aphrodisiac and appetite suppression. MT-2 was dubbed the Barbie drug and has been highlighted in wired. Synthetic melanocortin use helps to attain a tan with the least amount of exposure to harmful ultraviolet radiation (UVR).

Lower skin types on the Fitzpatrick scale are the best candidates for Melanotan 2.

Melanotan treatment stimulates melanin effectively, in particular those with low skin types.

Note: Melanotan is approximately 1,000 times more potent than natural a-MSH and MT-2 has a greater efficacy than M-I.

Disclaimer: Please pursue information regarding the usage of these products from your own research, academic journals, or the research of your in-house scientific team. Products are sold for research purposes are not for human consumption. Remember when you contact these types of stores/sponsors not to relate the questions or topics to human consumption or they tend not to answer. Always inquire in a research type question.

Melanotan 2 Peptide: Melanotan 2 peptides comes in 10mg per vial. All peptides and freeze drying processes are not created equal. Current MT-2 industry standard is the 10mg, 2ml vial size.

Shipping and Handling: Melanotan peptides are durable and stable. Highlighted in study, the reconstituted MT-2 was shown to be stable at 37 degrees Celsius (98 degrees Fahrenheit) for at least 28 days. Shipping MT-2, even in summer months, is not a problem, although, after reconstituing MT-2 it is recommended it be stored in the refrigerator.

Mixing: Add bacteriostatic water (BW), to the vial when you are ready to begin MT-2 research. (if your peptide supplier does not sell syringes or Bac water it can be found easily online. IMO if a supplier is selling those items they are in violation of many FDA laws and will probably be shut down soon and may even cause you legal ramifications. It would be wise to look for a different supplier) You can find plenty of instructional videos about the reconstitution process on Youtube. Reconstituting (mixing) your Melanotan 2 peptide is a necessity and will require proper due diligence for results. Nasal sprays, pre-mixed Melanotan 2, and orals are often not legitimate. There are successful reports of nasal spray experiences, however, they are few and far between as the molecule is larger than the membrane will allow. Enzymes will render the peptide inactive if ingested.

Remove plastic flip top from vial to expose rubber stopper. Needle will pierce the stopper, make sure not to spray the bw directly onto the MT2 as this may damage it, it is best to gently depress the syrignge and allow the bw to roll down the side of the vial making way inside the vial to turn the white powder into a clear liquid.

Calculator: Add 100 units (1ml) of water to the vial. 1ml/100 units will minimize the volume that you have to inject and will simplify the arithmetic in your MT-2 experiment.

1ml syringe (U100), 1ml BW to reconstitute
Calculations for a desired 0.5mg/500mcg dose:
Step 1= 1ml
Step 2= 10mg MT-II
Step 3= 1ml bact water
Step 4= 500mcg dose
2-3 ticks on your insulin pin (approximately 1/20th of a U100 syringe)

Some prefer to add more dilutent which works fine, take note of the volume increase.

Needles: 29-31 gauge X 1/2", 1 CC (100 unit). That is a typical insulin needle used to mix as well as inject. Use needles one time only. Once your technique perfected, injections are almost painless.

Starting dose: Your first injection should be a very small dose, for example .25mg (250mcg). See how you react. Goal should be to feel nothing. Dose after dinner, before bed. Any dosing chart stating that you should take a high dose (according to your weight) is outdated and potentially dangerous.

Loading dose: Load with 0.5-1mg once a day. People who have used doses in this range generally report getting excellent results. Don***8217;t worry if you miss occasional days. It will not make much difference, focus on the cumulative effects.

Maintenance dose: Maintenance is taking doses less frequently than daily to avoid becoming darker than you want. Yes, that will happen. With enough UVR, you will get much darker than you have even been before. A maintenance dose can help prolong super-physiological photo-protection MT-2 delivers.

UV Radiation: Melanotan is a poor sunless tanner. UV (from sun or a tanning bed) light is necessary to develop a tan. Without it, almost nothing happens. In other words, NO UV = NO TAN. Well, user will pigment depending on skin type.... If you have loaded for a full month and then start UV exposure, you (and your friends) will be astounded by how fast you tan and how dark you get. Moreover, it is advisable to keep areas of your skin that ordinarily get exposure covered up with a towel and/or zinc oxide (nose/lips/face) and let less exposed areas develop pigmentation first. Areas of skin that are typically sun-exposed in your day to day life will respond more readily to the effects of the melanotan peptides.

Fat Loss: The melanocortin (MC) system is a signaling pathway for leptin and insulin. The MC system is important for control of food intake and body weight. MT-2 treatment results in adipocyte lipolysis. MT-2 increases fatty acid oxidation(FAO) in which the MC5R plays a significant role. MT-2 improves insulin sensitivity through stimulating FAO in skeletal muscle tissue. Reduced food intake from the anorectic response of MT-2 is primarily responsible for weight loss.

Watch yourself: Your tan can sneak up on you. A tan generally sets in 3 days after UV rays. Dose and expose yourself gradually to UVR when tanning. Love your skin.

Avoid burning: You are protected from burning mostly by your tan, not the MT-2 peptide. Therefore, don***8217;t overdo the rays at first. Start with only as much UV that you could tolerate without burring before you began Melanotan. It should not take many weeks before you can tolerate hours of strong sun without burning. Truly incredible for those who have never experienced freedom to enjoy the sun.

Continue your regular dosing protocol until you have reached your desired tan and do not want to become darker. Cut injection frequency to once every 2, 3, 4, or even 7 days. Experiment to find the frequency that gives the tan you want.

Storage: Store freeze dried peptides at room temp and reconstituted peptides in the refrigerator. Clinical grade high-purity Melanotan II, such as that from Rockstar Chemicals, has no troubles remaining at room temperature for extended periods of time in its lyophilized state.

Do you have to inject MT-II?
Yes. The best, most efficient method of administering Melanotan peptides are subcutaneous (subq) injections. Nasal sprays are inconsistent and inefficient and have known to negatively affect BP rate. No detectable levels were observed following oral dosing - pills do not work.

Note: There are many things you will need to consider before experimenting with this peptide. Cyclic analogues (MT-II) have a wide range of peripheral effects and systemic control is always going to pose an issue in clinical use. Needless to say, MT-II is not an approved or regulated product. MT-II is legal to buy, possess, etc. Variables such as skin type and individual goals need assessment. Ask for critiques, plans and create a user log during use. Seasoned users are generally more than happy to offer tricks of the trade.

When you start supplementing a-MSH to tan keep in mind that tanning is literally a side effect. The tanning response is, in reality, a physiological repair mechanism to instant UV damage of the skin cells (epidermis/dermis). Melanocyte stimulating hormone is not going to color your skin, it is going to make your own skin create its own tan and that in turn creates protection. Redheads, for example, naturally produce a variant form of melanin that is yellowish-red (pheomelanin). In order to achieve the desired color you may need to administer the peptide for some time.

Know your skin type: Knowing your skin type is just one detail which will help create a user log. There are 10s of thousands of melanotan users worldwide who share the experience. Raise awareness and help others who want to hear success stories, complications and failures.

Am I a good candidate for MT-II?
Melanotan is best suited for the folks with skin types I & II. Prior sun damage, scars, tattoos, freckles, moles, hair color, etc are deciding factors prospective MT-2 users consider. This is a question handled best through asking the audience. Seek council from others at the many MT2 forums.

How should I dose MT-II?
Start out small and build up. A typical starting dose is around .25mg and max dose reaching about .75-1mg.

Things to consider: There is no magic pill or formula. Few dermatologists are familiar with Melanotan. The skin is a large, unpredictable organ. Feel comfortable and confident with MT-II before use. Check out as many before and after photos and user logs as you can. A skin type I individual may have to commit months of dedication before dialing in their desired results, be patient.

How much MT-II should I buy and how long will it last?
Skin type I: 50-60mg (5-6 vials)
Skin type II: 30-40mg (3-4 vials)
Skin type III: 20mg (2 vials)
Should last entire summer or season

How soon will I begin to see results?
You should notice a change in your skin tone after three weeks. If you have freckles, expect them to get darker before your actual skin color changes. Changes will be much more pronounced with longer exposure to the sun or a tanning bed.

How long will tan last?
A tan developed using Melanotan 2 lasts much longer than an ordinary tan. A well-tanned person returning from a beach holiday will lose most of the tan in a few weeks if they stop getting sun. But if they had been using Melanotan 2 and continued on maintenance after returning, they would still have most of their tan a couple of months or more.

Side effects of MT-II?
Possible Negative short-term side effects you should know about, including: nausea, appetite loss, facial flushing. These may be noticeable during the first few days of treatment but should taper off.
Taking a anti-histamine, such as Claritin (Loratadine) prior to dosing, works to eliminate sides such as nausea after injecting Melanotan. Also, using a regimen of smaller consistent dosing has been found to have better tanning properties and less unwanted side effects.
Possible positive side effects experienced in about 90% of users (men and women) is increased libido and over all sexual drive. Genitals become more sensitive and you have heightened sexual desire. This is so prevalent that MT2 has been called the females Viagra in many circles.
On top of the libido boost, almost all men report a significant increase in erections immediately after administering a dose. So much so that the amino chain responsible for this has been isolated and sold as an erectile dysfunction peptide known as PT141 and has become quite popular. However, the same benefits can be achieved with MT2 along with the tanning properties.
Others have mentioned fat burning benefits, but this has not been tested or proven. However because of all of the above mentioned effects, MT2 has been dubbed the Barbie Drug by many news organizations around the world.