Metabolism Question?


New member
Every now and then I would read in a bodybuilding magazine about how eating six small meals a day speeds up your metabolism and that it would actually be counter-productive for an ectomorph to try to gain weight by eating six small meals a day. I have an old Muscle and Fitness magazine article that says ectomorphs should eat a medium to large sized meal every four hours, adding up to four or five meals a day. Last month's Musclemag had an article that suggested eating three 700 to 1000 calorie meals, plus a 1000 calorie weight gain shake post workout. In theory this kind of makes sense. I just wanted to know what you guys think about this idea.
We do know meal frequency is BMR related, so yes - multiple meals will increase your rate. So I guess if you did increase your meal frequency you would also have to increase you cal intake even more.

I am a very strong believer that meal frequency increases your mass gains as your nutrient absorption is increased, so I would take that into consideration, too.
Meal Frequency only slightly changes you kcal intake-

10% is about all

so your figuring 200 - 300 kcals typically
Exercise - weight lifting, cardio, whatever - will boost your metabolism far more than eating a couple more meals a day would. In the end, the total calores in vs calories out will control your gains/losses far more than how many meals you split those calories up into.

Just make sure you are getting enough calories if you are trying to bulk. However many meals it takes to get it all in. Since you're going to be working out anyway, you may as well forget about trying to change your metabolism.
Or wait until you get older and your metabolism slows down...
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As ectomorph myself, eating 3 big meals a day with small ones in between gives good result. I feel that big meals slow my metabolism down. This way I can gain weight.