

Does It Naturally Slow Down As You Get Older? Just Curious As To How Eating 6 Times A Day Can Be Affected By Older Age.

eastarr69 said:
Does It Naturally Slow Down As You Get Older? Just Curious As To How Eating 6 Times A Day Can Be Affected By Older Age.


Eating six times a day even at a older age will still help keep your metabolism going. Its important to eat the 6 smaller meals for several reasons. One to help increase your metab, two it helps to keep you feeling full, three eating to much in one seting will cause streching of the stomach. Many people that only eat 2 or 3 times a day intend to eat much more per sitting, four it helps to regulate your energy through out the day, and many other benafits. Dont forget your water:)

Yes your metab will slow down as you get older but if you stay healthy, eat the right foods, and drink the right amount of liquid it will not slow down much.
