Mike's First Cycle, Need Input!!


New member
Hey guys, first post...I've read most of the articles and I've done my research. I have selected Test Cyp + Dbol, and need some input on my PCT and anything else i might need (anti-e and anti bloat).

Since there's so much conflicting information out there about Arimidex, Clomid etc. about whether to run them throughout, have them on hand...i just need someone to tell me what to do. Need to know what I should be taking throughout my cycle and post cycle. I have a feeling I'm prone to the estrogen rebound (since my bf is a bit higher than normal, and nipples are already somewhat puffy). I would also like to keep the water retention down.

Cycle looks something like this but I'm open to suggestions:

Week 1-12 Test Cyp (500mg/week)
Week 1-4 Dbol (30mg/day)
Week 14 PCT Nolva (dosage? should I add Clomid? dosage?)

Im 25 years old, 5'11, 190lbs, ~18%bf.

5-day split, lifting heavy, my routine is under control and ready for the cycle.

My diet currently sits at ~3000cals/day, upping to ~4000 for the cycle but will modify as I go.

Basically I need some suggestions for estrogen control, and water retention control, as well as my PCT.
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