MILK good or bad?


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Ok so i love milk :40oz:, but recently been hearing that if you cut milk all together youll get a leaner look. I drink about half gallon per day whole milk. What do u guys think? Maybe 3J can chime in on the topic?
Explain "leaner look". Milk has simple carbs (aka sugar in it), which may become a problem if you are worried about carb intake. I love drinking milk at every meal during a bulk and think in moderation (~32oz a day??) it can be value added during any phase of the year.
By leaner look I meant maybe it can help trim a little belly fat. Im not cutting or anything at the moment. Maybe the guy who told me is crazy lol he said milk thickens your skin and bloats you a bit.
Hmmm....milk is alot of sugar and it makes many bloated and retain water.

How lean do you want to get? I love milk and I don't cut it out until I get closer to the end of my contest diet. I have good results using it and I'm not lactose intolerant and can handle it well.

There may be other ways to help you lose fat but you could cut out milk or switch to a leaner milk like skim. Or drink less.
Personally milk, or alot of any diary for that matter, keeps me looking pretty soft. Not just my midsection.

Its been said, 3J mentioned this to me also, that it becomes increasingly difficult for the body to break down dairy as we get older. Not sure if thats the case, but its an interesting thought.

I steer clear of it in my daily intake throughout the year, but i love cereal now and again, or Milk and cookies. lol

I think its like anything, keep it in moderation and you'll be OK.
"Carb watch" milk is awesome. Its like 12g protein/0g fat/3g carb...per serving. I just cant find it in a gallon anywhere.
lots of cals in whole milk too,good for bulking.I drink about 2 gals a week on the regular.
But im sure its not the best if you were looking for that leaner look.
Explain "leaner look". Milk has simple carbs (aka sugar in it), which may become a problem if you are worried about carb intake. I love drinking milk at every meal during a bulk and think in moderation (~32oz a day??) it can be value added during any phase of the year.

i wouldn't worry about the simple carbs in milk.. if its being drank in moderation.. i would worry about your bodies inability to digest lactose.. the older you get the harder it is for your body to digest dairy products...

milk, as in SKIM MILK ONLY.. is ok if you have one cup a day.. a gallon or half gallon is way to much imo...

if you check the gi vs. gl on milk its not bad at all.. even with its simple sugars...
I had a feeling i was drinking too much. I think im gonna cut it for a bit just to see, mix my shakes with water and after def switch to skim lol
I am a big fan of milk all the time when I am cutting weight though I have to be cautious about how much but everything can be taken in moderation.I.E. I knew a college wrestler that would eat nothing but ice cream,a multi,and protein shakes when cutting preseason and had good results. Its all about moderation.
I heard milk consumption increases the amount of lactic acid your muscles produce. Sounds sensible. Anyone know anything about this?
Its been said, 3J mentioned this to me also, that it becomes increasingly difficult for the body to break down dairy as we get older. Not sure if thats the case, but its an interesting thought.

I've read something about this as well. Used to drink 1-2 tall glasses of milk after every meal 10 years ago. Now, even a small cup gives me the shits, so now i don't add any to my whey shakes.
Explain "leaner look". Milk has simple carbs (aka sugar in it), which may become a problem if you are worried about carb intake. I love drinking milk at every meal during a bulk and think in moderation (~32oz a day??) it can be value added during any phase of the year.

Is that why you are called the Milk Man, hehe
Milk has calcium, which makes your bones strong. If you don't have enough calcium, your bones will weaken and you could get osteoporosis, where the bones get brittle(thin)(bad). You won't grow if you don't get the daily vitamins and minerals. Get your servings of fruits and veggies, some of protein(rice, fish, meat, beans) grain(bread, corn) dairy(milk, which has calcium).