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Hey guys' I dont know how many of you remember what I looked like when I first joined the site, but I've come a little ways. I was weighing around 175ish but I wasn't very clean. My weight dropped down some but I managed to keep my muscle, I dropped maybe a % or two of BF and put on some mass. I'm sitting at about 167-168ish now with a slightly cleaner look and putting on aprox. 1-2 lbs a month. I'm actually 18 but I'm really into BB. I'm planning on competing in a competition in 2010 in April of next year. My main focus in on back width ATM. I'm open to suggestions and I'd love to hear some of ya'lls feed back. I eat any where from 5-6 meals a day, currently eating bulking style foods and training anywhere between 3-4 times a week. Summer is coming up and I want to make the most of it, I want to go back to school looking way bigger than before with the obvious physique of a BB.
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Well I don't know what type of input you want but... It looks like you are on the right track. You've got to be consistent over a long period of time with the diet and lifting. With your metabolism, you are going to have to seriously eat like a monster. How tall are you? You look similar to me at 18 years old. If I could do it over, I would do a HIT or DoggCrapp style routine, like I do now with high-intensity, low volume, and compound lifts. Nothing made me grow like dead-lifts, squats,and bench etc. Don't even waste time with a bunch of isolation exercises for arms and such. Arms are small muscles and will get very taxed from the heavy compound lifting. Form is extremely important on these compound lifts though. In my youth, I made the mistake of following the high-volume body builder routines from magazines with too many isolation exercises. Good luck, and don't even consider steroids for many years.
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Thanks for the advice bro, I'm 5 11'. Any specific exercises you reccomend for back width? I'll be adjusting my routine to accomodate lower volume higher weights with more basic lifts.
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Good. Check into HIT, Westside for skinny bastards, and DoggCrapp training routines ans see what you like. Eat like the beast that you want to be. Many guys your age only care about chest and arms, so good for you on wanting a wide back. I didn't care about my back until I became a fan of Dorian Yates back in the day. Once I started doing his style back routine whole body got thicker. Now back is my favorite part to train. I guess it depends on what equipment you have etc also. Put together your routine and diet to post and then you can get more specific advice from the bros on here.
Hey dude - you have a great base to work with and are very lean. I agree w/ 1 BadMOFO above - try the Westside Training for Skinny bastards. I just did it very strict for 2 months and it was great - gained alot of core strength and thickness. If you do that and add 750-1000 CLEAN cals to your diet you will def pack on some muscle this summer. You're prolly at peak natty test production too so you should be able to grow significantly in the next few years! So lift like a mofo and check your diet - i bet you need 4000+ cals a day if you workout hard. Look for tilapia, chicken breasts, turkey etc for protein. Also def use a whey supplement. One of my fav weight gainers is a shake in the AM with 1 c pasteurized eggs (whites), 1/2 C nonfat milk, 1 T vanilla, 2 scoops chocolate ON whey (you can add 1 C uncooked oatmeal too if you want your carbs in the same shake.) Go for it dude - you have a lot of potential!
Thanks for the advice guys' I really appreciate it and I'll definately post up end of summer pics. Once I get my diet and routine down to a science I'll be sure to post it. Also since I'm trying to gain weight and put on lean mass what would ya'll reccomend as far as carbs go on a meal by meal basis? Do I need to be getting a fair amount of carbs in each of my meals? Am I okay to have 2-3 meals a day that are just meats/veggies?
Thanks for the advice guys' I really appreciate it and I'll definately post up end of summer pics. Once I get my diet and routine down to a science I'll be sure to post it. Also since I'm trying to gain weight and put on lean mass what would ya'll reccomend as far as carbs go on a meal by meal basis? Do I need to be getting a fair amount of carbs in each of my meals? Am I okay to have 2-3 meals a day that are just meats/veggies?

I edited your post... I like you and we're going to pretend you're 18 for the time being because there are not supposed to be ANY minors on this site.

Honestly man, at your age and size, your diet shouldn't be all that much of a science. You should be looking to take in as many clean calories as possible. Keep an eye on your body fat, but don't worry all that much about it. Eat every 3 hours and make sure you're taking in a lean protein source, a complex carbohydrate, and a healthy fat with each meal. It can be as simple as a chicken breast with brown rice and a garden salad with Olive Oil, or WAY more intricate. Don't go crazy counting calories, just had a general idea as to where you are for maintainence and add another meals worth of calories on top of that. My #1 problem when I was your age was being too eager to stay really lean and gain muscle at the same time. Now that I actually run gear, I know that unless you're on a good amount of stuff, that's nearly impossible.

As far as training, if you're following a BBing routine out of FLEX, Muscle and Fitness, Muscular Development, etc stop now and stick with something to increase your strength (Westside, 5x5, Jim Wendler's 5/3/1, Variation X, etc...). IMO increasing strength = and increase in muscle size. Show me someone who combines 1500lbs (Squat, Dead, Bench) who isn't very muscular and I'll be very surprised. You're really young and that means you lack muscle maturity... It'll come with time and hard work. Just keep at it.

AND, I couldn't post all this without saying that you HAVE to stay off the juice. At the ripe young age of 18, your Test levels are probably super jacked up and you wouldn't be helping yourself all that much being on gear. I met a guy on Dr. prescribed Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) @ 250mg/ml and his tested test levels are 1,500ng/dL. I would bet that you're are upwards of 1,000ng/dL, which would basically be equivalent to you being on 200mg/wk of Test. Obviously, you don't need any more to grow.
Thanks for the advice bro, I really appreciate it. Can anyone link me some of the 5x5 routines and such? I'll probably be able to answer this question once I read more about it, but I want to hear it from the pro's. In the 5x5 routines does the 5x5 scheme only apply to your major lifts in that days exercise or does it pertain to all of them? Also, I understand the basics for upper body and lower body being bench, incline, squats, and deadlifts but what's a basic back lift? For this competition I plan on competing in I really want to have a wider/thicker back. As for meals go, I'm totally capable and I'll make that happen. I've already gone through the "I have a fast metabolism" stage coming from 135-140ish to what I'm at now. Thanks for helping me out Mlik. I'm really looking forward into incorportaing deadlifts into my new routines!
I edited your post... I like you and we're going to pretend you're 18 for the time being because there are not supposed to be ANY minors on this site.

Honestly man, at your age and size, your diet shouldn't be all that much of a science. You should be looking to take in as many clean calories as possible. Keep an eye on your body fat, but don't worry all that much about it. Eat every 3 hours and make sure you're taking in a lean protein source, a complex carbohydrate, and a healthy fat with each meal. It can be as simple as a chicken breast with brown rice and a garden salad with Olive Oil, or WAY more intricate. Don't go crazy counting calories, just had a general idea as to where you are for maintainence and add another meals worth of calories on top of that. My #1 problem when I was your age was being too eager to stay really lean and gain muscle at the same time. Now that I actually run gear, I know that unless you're on a good amount of stuff, that's nearly impossible.

As far as training, if you're following a BBing routine out of FLEX, Muscle and Fitness, Muscular Development, etc stop now and stick with something to increase your strength (Westside, 5x5, Jim Wendler's 5/3/1, Variation X, etc...). IMO increasing strength = and increase in muscle size. Show me someone who combines 1500lbs (Squat, Dead, Bench) who isn't very muscular and I'll be very surprised. You're really young and that means you lack muscle maturity... It'll come with time and hard work. Just keep at it.

AND, I couldn't post all this without saying that you HAVE to stay off the juice. At the ripe young age of 18, your Test levels are probably super jacked up and you wouldn't be helping yourself all that much being on gear. I met a guy on Dr. prescribed Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) @ 250mg/ml and his tested test levels are 1,500ng/dL. I would bet that you're are upwards of 1,000ng/dL, which would basically be equivalent to you being on 200mg/wk of Test. Obviously, you don't need any more to grow.

Stellar post Milk. Solid information and spot on advice for this kid.

btw, here is the link to the threads containing the lift routines MDC was speaking about

Training Forum - Anabolic Steroids, Bodybuilding Discussion Forums - Steroidology
bro you got about a good 20 years of solid training before u see results and you can hold weight but by then it will be too hard to cut