Moving to America from a foreign country - Having questions about steroid laws etc.


New member

Im moving to Monterey bay, California pretty soon from another country.
Having questions regarding how US law is towards steroid purchase, usage and if there is any slight possibility to acquire it legally?

How do you acquire it in the state safely and can someone pinpoint me a general price range for HGH?

I am fully aware these questions look ridiculous and totally newbie, but what I can dig up about the law is pretty vague, so are prices.
Thanking you for all the help I can get!
Not quite sure what that means - but If i've read you right, you are asking if i am breaking the rules by asking for a specific place or person to buy shit from, in which case i am not.
I am trying to talk to people living in the state or close to it about what kind of laws im potentially breaking and how severe they might be.

I am also asking for a general prize range for a substance, not specific from one vendor or another, whether the norm is online purchase, if its possible to acquire it at a doctor or anything like that

Why am I asking? Because, as mentioned above, the prizes and laws are so vague that I need clarification.

I do however, thank you for replying to my thread, but please, do not waste my time by assuming something without reading the actual text and answering outside the range of my questions.
This is not my first forum, and I have asked no questions that breaks rules set at the forum, or encourages people to break them by answering.
Md will prescribe trt doses but nothing more. Generally you can acquire what you need with little leo action but it can/could bite you in the ass. More often LEniz looking for suppliers and dealers, so buying raws and large orders carry more risk involved. Penalties vary from state to state, but usuzLly include jail time
Is that vague enough?
It is very hard to get legal HGH in the States. You have to have some kind of syndrome or horrible ailment to get it. Testosterone can sometimes be hard to get when you can prove you are barely below the bottom of the range. Prices vary wildly depending on where you purchase items, there really is no set range for most legally prescribed drugs.

You can contact IncreaseMyT, they are a board sponsor and can honestly answer your questions about HGH and other AAS. You will see their ads on the side. They can guide you through the legal issues and help setup routines for you, etc. They are your best source for getting your questions answered.
Thanx for all the feedback, got something to go on!
ill pm you, dreaded. heading for cali in juli/aug