Muscle mass cycle plz help me


New member
My 1st cycle for muscle mass is
Test e 500mg/week
Deca 375mg/week
Dianabol 30mg/day
Ghrp 6
Is it best for weight gaining ?

Weight - 64kg
Height- 5'8"
How old are you as was asked. This is a very, very bad first cycle. You will get into high E2 side effects. ED and Gyno for just 2 of them. You also will blow up with water and gain very little MM.

This idea tells me you have NO education in the use of AAS.

What about your AI and PCT fir this cycle and how long.

You need to get educated in the use of AAS or you are going to make some very big mistakes that can effect your whole life.

Please read all the sticky threads located where you came in to start your thread. Then come back with Q's.
You have a bad idea as to how to build LMM.
Deca will do little for mass at 350mg week for less then 14 weeks. You told us just enough to have us concerned. You need to get help and read up because no one is going to spoon feed you the information

Oh give us more stats. Some history of lifting and # of cycle attempts.

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