My anabolic usage feedback


New member
Hello everyone,

I am new to the forum and returning to the bodybuilding scene after a 5 year lay off. Prior to that I was a bodybuilder for 18 years.

I thought I would provide my personal feedback on anabolics I have used in order to contribute something to the forum.

So here it goes:

1. Deca: personally I am not a big fan of deca. Bloated me and I didn't like the sexual side affects. Ever heard of deca dick? Well this is why I didn't like it. I have heard people say its for cutting. Not so.

2. Winstrol: Winstrol was good. Both injectable and pill versions. The injectables burned skittle but liked to throw in a 25mg pill once a day. There is a misconception that winnys are for cutting. That's not so. It's for lean muscle mass. The dosage I have seen suggested in cycles is too low. Typically twice as much or 100mg every time if best for lean muscle.

3. Dianabol: Hate them. Great for strength but you need to many. Excessive water weight. Good for newbies looking to bulk but not good for the lean look. I recommend 1 or 2 per day for strength.

4. Anavar: one of my favorites. Great for strength and muscle mass. Very minimal side effects and keep most of my gains. Anavar is the closest anabolic to growth hormone.

5. Ganabol: not sure of they make this anymore. Ganabol was the brand name for boldeone. Loved it. Veins and density for sure.

6. Cyponate: not a big test fan buts it's cheap and good for bulk. You lose a lot of it as opposed to Winstrol (winny) and Ganabol where you keep lost gains.

7. Kynoselen: not an anabolic but certainly great for cutting. Can be obtained legally without a prescription. Good to add into a cutting cycle but gains halt rather quickly.

8. Clenbuterol: tried these in my early days and didn't like them at the time. Results aren't seen into later in the cycle and I didn't give myself much time to get to see those.

9. Cytomel: thyroid med. great for ripping up but very dangerous if not used carefully. Side affects I saw was dry skin and some rashes.

10. Equipoise: (not sure if I am spelling this right). Awesome for lean mass and veins. Similar to Ganabol.

11. Anadrol: insane strength and mass increases. Side affects: aggression and you lose much of your gains.

It will be 6 years this May since the last time I was on any type of cycle. Prior to that I utilized anabolics for roughly 5 years (the other 13 years of my body building experience where natural). The 2 long term side affects that I am certain of as of this day are enlarged prostate and a change in personality disposition.

Well, there you have it. My feedback on the anabolics I have tried (or at least the ones I can remember and what I can remember about them).

I know that dosages would have made for a more useful review however in many cases I don't remember how it was taken nor did my ways of using them adhere to any recommended dosage or cycle you find online.

My cycling and dosages varied based on my goals at the time an how each worked for me.

Since I am back in the game I have lost touch with access. Please PM me if you can help. Thanks.
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