My current bulking diet.....please critique!!


New member
My current diet is as follows:

note; i am currently cycling test and dbol.

Meal 1. 9:30 am:

4 whole eggs and 4 egg whites.
1cup dry oatmeal[equals 11/2 cups cooked] 1/3rd cup dried cranberries in the oatmeal
10oz. soy milk

Meal 2. 12:00 noon:

8oz organic chicken breast
1/2 cup dry brown rice [makes 11/2 cups cooked]
1cup baby broccoli steamed [no stems just florets]
1 tablespoon organic flaxseed oil

Meal 3. 2:30pm:
[same as meal 2 except no flax oil]

Meal 4. pre-workout 5:00pm:

1 cup dry oats[again about 1 1/2cups cooked]
1/3 cup dried fruit
2 scoops casein and whey protein mix[syntha 6 usually] 400 cals 45grams protein

Meal 5. 6:30 pm [immediatly after workout]

6 scoops scivation xtend [30 grams BCAAs]
60-70 grams of dextrose mixed with the xtend
20 min later: 2 scoops whey/1 scoop casein

Meal 6. 1 hour after workout:

8 oz. lean sirloin steak dipped in olive oil grilled
1cup broccoli florets steamed
if i have leaner meat for dinner then i add 1Tbs flax oil

Meal 7. 10:00pm:

12oz skim cottage cheese [sometimes i get 1% milkfat though]
1oz raw almonds [no salt or additives]

Also, sometimes i pre-make a casein shake for if i wake up in the middle of the night.

I also drink at least 11/2 gallons of water a day and get at least 9-10 hrs of sleep a night. So i figure im good there.

I dont take any creatine as of now since im recovering alot better just from the cycle im on. I will prob use creatine for my PCT though.

Anyways, there it is so PLEASE critique me and let me know what you guys think.
I am always down for positive criticism.

Looks solid, lots of good clean foods. But it's very hard to judge without knowing your background info (age, weight, height, training experience, goals, etc). Also, total cals with macro breakdowns would be good (I could calculate it myself, but that's too much for me today lol).
thanks outlawtas.

Yeah i hear ya bout all the macros. I def will post em here shortly if i get the chance to.

Seeing as it would prob take me a while to figure it all out.

I have been training very hard and very strict with my diet for the last 4 years and did workout before then but wasnt as serious.

Also, I am 26
5ft 10in
bout 15% bodyfat
204lbs as of yesterday morn.
When it comes to a diet everyone is so much different it is more of a trial an error. I can eat a lot more than 8 ounces of chicken and meat in one sitting-try upping that-maybe 2 cx breasts in a sitting. this diet seems to be very low in carbs. my roomate started his cycle @ 6 ft 165. He toook anadrol and test @ 750. he was 198 right before post cycle therapy (pct). He ate everything all day long, pancakes-cause they are cheap with lots of carbs. He was basically eating whatever he could get his hands on, he just stayed away from eating out and he made sure he ate a lot of protein in comparison to the other foods. If you want to grow quickly carbs will help you do that.
Bro get you some oatmeal cookies and milk. I eat 6 oatmeal cookies and a glass of milk every night for a snack. it's about 800 calories and down a quick protein and water shake. Puts me at about 940 calories in one snack. Works good for me.
Bro get you some oatmeal cookies and milk. I eat 6 oatmeal cookies and a glass of milk every night for a snack. it's about 800 calories and down a quick protein and water shake. Puts me at about 940 calories in one snack. Works good for me.

Ok so who of you agrees with what hes saying?

I do wanna get in more calories but the thing is that i also am sitting at home most of the time now going to school and i dont wanna add too much fat either.

It gets kinda hard to sit around and try to eat over 5000 cals a day
Are you doing a clean bulk or does it matter? If your trying to go slow and clean then it may not be the best option but if it doesn't matter then it's a great way at least for me to get calories and protein in one snack.

Another reason I like it is I can't think of a better easier faster way to get that many calories. Everything else requires preperation and this takes a glass of milk and opening package of cookies. My wife hates me for this snack.
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ok so this question is about my diet but is sorta off point.

So anyways as you notice in my diet above i listed that i usually have dextrose and xtend after my workouts for my aminos and quick digesting carbs. BUT.... I am currently out of both and dont really feal like buying more considering that its just one more thing to add to my high list of products i spend too much money on for my nutrition.

So this is what im thinking.... I am gonna start eating two whole baked potatoes right after my workouts from now on since i can get them a little cheaper than the other two, plus i figure its whole food carbs which is better and also alot higher calories than dextrose.

So my question is. . . is this a good option for post-workout nutrition and will it maybe help with the mass gain because of the increase in calories??

thanks guys
Solid foods are always better if you can get the same nutrients from them. I always eat solids if i have a chance and save the shake or liquids until i need a quick meal. Why not go ahead and get your protein as well with chicken or your choice of meat.

Carb powders started making me lethargic from the insulin spike so I quit using them and use solid foods now.
yeah so i have started to use baked cheesy potatoes for my post workout nutrition and i really like it. I feel like i am helping myself to gain more mass than before and it feels more like a complete meal versus the other.

So i am liking it so far. Plus ive been eating like 2 whole medium sized potatoes so i am getting quite a few calories in