My Diet Plan!!!!! Looking for advice and guidance!!!!


New member
I am currently 19 years old (20 in a month), 5’10 ½’’ tall, weight fluctuates between 180-185. Body Fat % probably anywhere from 18-24%.

I have never taken steroids of any kind, and I don’t plan on taking them any time soon. I have always been very interested in them, and that’s how I found this site, and I don’t post much but enjoy reading up on it and trying to inform myself.

I play college lacrosse, and am in very good shape in terms of running. It is summertime now, and I am working 9 hour days (7am-4pm) M-F and generally get off of work at run 2 miles about four times a week.

I lift in the off-season 3-5 times a week and during season lift 1-2 times light just to maintain. Summer time I am running a lot on my own, but during school year we are running like crazy and conditioning like no other throughout the entire year.

Haven’t lifted hard though since February because we were in lacrosse season, then season ended finished up finals. The main reason I haven’t started lifting very much again is because I feel I need to cut some body weight before I gain mass.

Doctors have always told me I am in great shape and healthy, if you saw me I look like a normal person with a solid build (no bodybuilder by any means but no twig either) I have broad shoulders, great calves, thighs could get bigger, okay chest, and good arms. My back could probably use some work but the biggest thing holding back my upper body (chest and back primarily) is my excess body fat. My stomach is where my fat sits, and I run all the time, but I know it is all about the diet. My weight doesn’t seem to hold me back as I am very competitive on the field speed wise. But it just doesn’t look good. I have good shoulders and if I were to shed some pounds my chest would look a lot better, but my stomach is just too flabby.

I don’t eat terrible, compared to your average kid or average person I probably eat pretty well, but I do probably eat too many snacks, compared to bodybuilders and a lot of the people on here my diet probably isn’t that great.

This is what I have been thinking about following for a diet:

6:30 AM: Oatmeal, egg whites

9:30 AM: Protein Shake

12:00 PM: Chicken Breast, Veggies

4:00 PM: 2 Mile Run
Lift, High reps- lower weight,
PWO Nutrition immediately after

6:30 PM: Lean Protein, Veggies, Brown Rice

9:00 PM: Shake

*Water with every meal.

This would be my ideal plan for days I am working out. Most days I will probably try and combine running and lifting together. Is that a good or bad idea? Also, should I take anything before my run, or in between run and lift? Or should I try running in the morning, and lifting in afternoon, or do them on completely different days?

On non training days I would try to eat on the same plan, and maybe just add a snack of some healthy fats or another small meal or shake during mid afternoon when I would be working out.

Also, should I stick with a normal whey protein or what does every one recommend? Also what is the best PWO Nutrition that y’all would recommend?

I need to get rid of this flabby stomach and love handles that is holding me back. Once I get my body fat down, my stomach tightened up, that’s when I continue to eat healthy, and start lifting hard and looking for some major gains and mass, but I gotta cut some fat first.

Sorry this is so long and very detailed, but I have noticed for the most part the people on this forum are very knowledgeable, and very helpful and would rather have more information than not enough.

I guess I am looking for any advice, tweaks to my plan, information, criticism, or motivation to help guide me towards the right path and the right plan.

Thanks a lot.
you can still lift hard without it holding back your fatloss. the cardio you are doing is not alot 2miles probably takes you less then 15 min right? so you could and should increase that if you want to lose.

whats in your shakes? if they are packed with sugar that might be holding you back..
So are you looking to build muscle? Or lose fat? It looks like your calories are much too low to build quality muscle. Don't forget about essential fats as well. Start taking some fish oils and evening primrose. Nuts, nutbutters, avocado, olive oils, do need some of these.
The truth is when anyone is near or above the 20% body fat range they are pretty much on the insulin roller-coaster. In other-words high GI foods leading to high blood sugars releasing ++ insulin which is then transported into cells and turned into fat (unless it used as energy for exercise). This leads to a dramatic loss in blood sugar and then ++need to digest more high GI foods and so on.

The answer is to eat only complex carbs small meals 6 times a day this will give a slow release of insulin and get you off the roller coaster. I would also recommend increasing protein, higher satiety level and is more metabolically costly. Try not to have to many carbs after 6 p.m. eat mostly protein. You are going to find this hard as you will not have the enzymes etc necessary in the early stages for this diet.

Try to exercise A.M. before eating for an hour, doesn't have to be too energetic at first could be just walking. This will help you build the enzymes etc to break down body fat for energy may also want to try an ECA stack with this (use with protein shake not on an empty stomach).

You are going to find this hard but stick with it and eventually it will become the norm. Get out of the vicious circle of body fat production and get into the slow process of body-fat reduction be patient its going to be a long slow process.

Good luck Bro.
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you can still lift hard without it holding back your fatloss. the cardio you are doing is not alot 2miles probably takes you less then 15 min right? so you could and should increase that if you want to lose.

whats in your shakes? if they are packed with sugar that might be holding you back..

Well we get tested on our 2 mile run throughout the course of our entire season, I normally run it around twelve minutes, right now I am not running it as fast, more around 13-14 minutes as it is summertime and I am running on my own.

I haven't yet figured out exactly what kind of protein shakes I want to get, looking to get some good whey protein for in the morning and post workout. Possibly get some muscle milk for my last shake of the day?

What do you recommend?

So are you looking to build muscle? Or lose fat? It looks like your calories are much too low to build quality muscle. Don't forget about essential fats as well. Start taking some fish oils and evening primrose. Nuts, nutbutters, avocado, olive oils, do need some of these.

Right now I am looking to cut some excess fat sitting in my belly. I don't want to lose all my muscle, but I have been out of the weight room for a while now, and I want to continue to lift (on the lighter side) while I focus on cutting some fat, once I slim down and get my diet on the right track, thats when I would up the calories and start lifting hard again.

But thanks for the advice regarding the healthy fats, I will look into it.

Thanks a lot for all of your help and input.
i recomend getting a plain protein powder with just protein in it and if you want sugar for pwo just buy some dextrose and put in it.

try running longer runs as well I guarantee it will also make you faster of 2 miles. and if you drop down to around 10% fat you will run alot faster.

maybe try cutting carbs out of your last meal. eating a veggies and meat and oilveoil and then go for a walk after that and eat nothing more in the day.

eating very light for dinner in combination with a good diet the rest of the day has always helped me drop weight.
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The answer is to eat only complex carbs small meals 6 times a day this will give a slow release of insulin and get you off the roller coaster. I would also recommend increasing protein, higher satiety level and is more metabolically costly. Try not to have to many carbs after 6 p.m. eat mostly protein. You are going to find this hard as you will not have the enzymes etc necessary in the early stages for this diet.

Try to exercise A.M. before eating for an hour, doesn't have to be too energetic at first could be just walking. This will help you build the enzymes etc to break down body fat for energy may also want to try an ECA stack with this (use with protein shake not on an empty stomach)

The exercise in the AM is difficult for me, as I am already up at 6am to get to work, in a couple weeks I will be starting work at 6am and so will be up at 5am, I'll look into getting some cardio in during the morning but for now it might have to wait until after work.

Would it be better to lift first then cardio or cardio then lift if in the afternoon.

Also regarding the eca stack, what is the best way to get a hold of the ephedrine? I live in the US. I had taken ephedrine years ago but a buddy of mine had ordered it and I am not sure where he ordered it from.

Thanks a lot man for your help.
Do cardio AFTER you lift. To get rid of that stomach flab diet is the key. Keep up with your healthy diet...make sure you get those fats and you should probably up your cardio. You are probably very efficient at cardio and so know need to up it a bit.
I haven't actually started my diet yet, I am one of those people that needs to do it all the way or not at all, so I am trying to get it all figured out first. Using I tried my best to figure out how much protein fats carbs would be in each meal, assuming I follow this diet pretty close to a day by day, I can replace chicken with fish or lean steak and so on. But this is sort of an example diet I have put together.

Again, the protein shakes I am not positive what I am going to buy and get yet, so I am not sure how much fat is in each shake, so I didn't include that. My fats are probably a little low and I am not sure about my carbs. If I take my weight of 185 by 1.5 that is 287 or so and I am right around 280.

What do you guys think?

Meal 1:

5 Egg whites, ½ cup Oatmeal

Fats: 3 grams
Carbs: 28.5 grams
Protein: 23.5 grams

Meal 2:

Protein Shake

Carbs: 10 grams
Protein: 40 grams

Meal 3:

Chicken Breast, Brown Rice, Green Beans

Fats: 14 grams
Carbs: 55 grams
Protein: 75 grams

Workout: Lift then Cardio

Protein Shake after Workout:

Carbs: 10 grams
Protein: 40 grams

Meal 5:

Chicken Breast, Green Beans

Fats: 12 grams
Carbs: 11 grams
Protein: 70 grams

Meal 6:

Muscle Milk Shake

Carbs: 12 grams
Protein: 32 grams


Fats: 30 grams, Carbs: 126.5 grams, Protein: 280.5 grams

Also, should I drink a shake later at night before bed or is that a bad idea? Or once I eat my last meal around 6:30 or so should I not eat again after that.

I will also look to buy some fish oil pills and add some extra fat into this, but does anyone have any suggestions for my diet.

Also, while it might be hard to get my cardio in before work in the AM I am on my feet all day at work and out in the sun doing some labor so I am normally keeping my heart rate up a little and breaking a sweat.

I am the kind of person that needs to have it all figured out so once I start I will execute it to the fullest.

Sorry for so many questions, I am young and very interested in everything and I have found this forum full of helpful knowledgeable people so I figure this is a great place to learn. I really appreciate the help.