I am currently 19 years old (20 in a month), 5’10 ½’’ tall, weight fluctuates between 180-185. Body Fat % probably anywhere from 18-24%.
I have never taken steroids of any kind, and I don’t plan on taking them any time soon. I have always been very interested in them, and that’s how I found this site, and I don’t post much but enjoy reading up on it and trying to inform myself.
I play college lacrosse, and am in very good shape in terms of running. It is summertime now, and I am working 9 hour days (7am-4pm) M-F and generally get off of work at run 2 miles about four times a week.
I lift in the off-season 3-5 times a week and during season lift 1-2 times light just to maintain. Summer time I am running a lot on my own, but during school year we are running like crazy and conditioning like no other throughout the entire year.
Haven’t lifted hard though since February because we were in lacrosse season, then season ended finished up finals. The main reason I haven’t started lifting very much again is because I feel I need to cut some body weight before I gain mass.
Doctors have always told me I am in great shape and healthy, if you saw me I look like a normal person with a solid build (no bodybuilder by any means but no twig either) I have broad shoulders, great calves, thighs could get bigger, okay chest, and good arms. My back could probably use some work but the biggest thing holding back my upper body (chest and back primarily) is my excess body fat. My stomach is where my fat sits, and I run all the time, but I know it is all about the diet. My weight doesn’t seem to hold me back as I am very competitive on the field speed wise. But it just doesn’t look good. I have good shoulders and if I were to shed some pounds my chest would look a lot better, but my stomach is just too flabby.
I don’t eat terrible, compared to your average kid or average person I probably eat pretty well, but I do probably eat too many snacks, compared to bodybuilders and a lot of the people on here my diet probably isn’t that great.
This is what I have been thinking about following for a diet:
6:30 AM: Oatmeal, egg whites
9:30 AM: Protein Shake
12:00 PM: Chicken Breast, Veggies
4:00 PM: 2 Mile Run
Lift, High reps- lower weight,
PWO Nutrition immediately after
6:30 PM: Lean Protein, Veggies, Brown Rice
9:00 PM: Shake
*Water with every meal.
This would be my ideal plan for days I am working out. Most days I will probably try and combine running and lifting together. Is that a good or bad idea? Also, should I take anything before my run, or in between run and lift? Or should I try running in the morning, and lifting in afternoon, or do them on completely different days?
On non training days I would try to eat on the same plan, and maybe just add a snack of some healthy fats or another small meal or shake during mid afternoon when I would be working out.
Also, should I stick with a normal whey protein or what does every one recommend? Also what is the best PWO Nutrition that y’all would recommend?
I need to get rid of this flabby stomach and love handles that is holding me back. Once I get my body fat down, my stomach tightened up, that’s when I continue to eat healthy, and start lifting hard and looking for some major gains and mass, but I gotta cut some fat first.
Sorry this is so long and very detailed, but I have noticed for the most part the people on this forum are very knowledgeable, and very helpful and would rather have more information than not enough.
I guess I am looking for any advice, tweaks to my plan, information, criticism, or motivation to help guide me towards the right path and the right plan.
Thanks a lot.
I have never taken steroids of any kind, and I don’t plan on taking them any time soon. I have always been very interested in them, and that’s how I found this site, and I don’t post much but enjoy reading up on it and trying to inform myself.
I play college lacrosse, and am in very good shape in terms of running. It is summertime now, and I am working 9 hour days (7am-4pm) M-F and generally get off of work at run 2 miles about four times a week.
I lift in the off-season 3-5 times a week and during season lift 1-2 times light just to maintain. Summer time I am running a lot on my own, but during school year we are running like crazy and conditioning like no other throughout the entire year.
Haven’t lifted hard though since February because we were in lacrosse season, then season ended finished up finals. The main reason I haven’t started lifting very much again is because I feel I need to cut some body weight before I gain mass.
Doctors have always told me I am in great shape and healthy, if you saw me I look like a normal person with a solid build (no bodybuilder by any means but no twig either) I have broad shoulders, great calves, thighs could get bigger, okay chest, and good arms. My back could probably use some work but the biggest thing holding back my upper body (chest and back primarily) is my excess body fat. My stomach is where my fat sits, and I run all the time, but I know it is all about the diet. My weight doesn’t seem to hold me back as I am very competitive on the field speed wise. But it just doesn’t look good. I have good shoulders and if I were to shed some pounds my chest would look a lot better, but my stomach is just too flabby.
I don’t eat terrible, compared to your average kid or average person I probably eat pretty well, but I do probably eat too many snacks, compared to bodybuilders and a lot of the people on here my diet probably isn’t that great.
This is what I have been thinking about following for a diet:
6:30 AM: Oatmeal, egg whites
9:30 AM: Protein Shake
12:00 PM: Chicken Breast, Veggies
4:00 PM: 2 Mile Run
Lift, High reps- lower weight,
PWO Nutrition immediately after
6:30 PM: Lean Protein, Veggies, Brown Rice
9:00 PM: Shake
*Water with every meal.
This would be my ideal plan for days I am working out. Most days I will probably try and combine running and lifting together. Is that a good or bad idea? Also, should I take anything before my run, or in between run and lift? Or should I try running in the morning, and lifting in afternoon, or do them on completely different days?
On non training days I would try to eat on the same plan, and maybe just add a snack of some healthy fats or another small meal or shake during mid afternoon when I would be working out.
Also, should I stick with a normal whey protein or what does every one recommend? Also what is the best PWO Nutrition that y’all would recommend?
I need to get rid of this flabby stomach and love handles that is holding me back. Once I get my body fat down, my stomach tightened up, that’s when I continue to eat healthy, and start lifting hard and looking for some major gains and mass, but I gotta cut some fat first.
Sorry this is so long and very detailed, but I have noticed for the most part the people on this forum are very knowledgeable, and very helpful and would rather have more information than not enough.
I guess I am looking for any advice, tweaks to my plan, information, criticism, or motivation to help guide me towards the right path and the right plan.
Thanks a lot.