Your body starts to shut down the moment you take your first shot,HCG? Hmm.
When would the right time for that exactly? I'd assume around week 10 before the testosterone cut off and initiation into PCT.
*Ohh did some googling.
People like to do 500iu per week with the cycle, and than 500iu everyday for ten days leading up to PCT.
Start at week 15, your test level will still be too high^
That's what I've been thinking as well.
Something like 250mg on monday, and 250mg on thursday/friday.
than when I hit week 14 start my 50/20
If you are worried about the aromatization effect of the testosterone you could take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (Aromatase Inhibiter) like arimidex at .25-.5mg eod. Some people prefer aromasin which is typically dosed at 25mg ed. Enanthate is a long acting ester that stays stable for I beleive around 12 days so shooting twice a week wouldn't be necessary. Just shoot 500 once a week. The fewer jabs the better IMO because some gear is always lost in the syringe.
You know I do see the benefits in Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) -- though to be honest I'm totally ignorant on how that would be implemented.
I know it's pretty much silly to use it as PCt and recommend on cycle, but how much, and for how long?
I've been reading 500ui every week up until post cycle therapy (pct). I also read 500ui for ten days prior to post cycle therapy (pct).
500ius a week throughout cycle then up the dose for last 10 days
and stop 4 days before your pct
Up the dose to what? Or do you mean switch to 500ius daily for 10 days and stop 4 days before PCT.