My first roid cycle


New member
I'm 25, 15st 15%bf
I'm going to run test e at 500mg/w
I also have some 15mg dbol tabs but don't know whether to include them?
For post cycle therapy (pct) I have options of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), proviron, nolva or clomid but not sure which to buy and use
Any advice and cycles will help
don't use the dbol.
clomid 50mg for 4weeks. and also nova at 20mg for 4weeks. start this 2weeks after last injection also you will need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like arimadex run at .25-.5mg every other day
To add to this, get some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as well and run 500ius per week total (250ius twice per week) throughout your cycle and up until you start PCT.
Would Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) really be needed for running a test only cycle your first time , srry for jacking the thread just curious
Ill try to clear this up for you..


Test E 10 weeks @ 500mg a week
HCG 250IU twice a week for 10 weeks

Clomid 50mg for 4 weeks Starting 2 weeks after your last test injection
Nolvadex at 20-40mg for 2 weeks Starting 2 weeks after your last test injection
Would hcg really be needed for running a test only cycle your first time , srry for jacking the thread just curious

Yes, HCG should be used each and every cycle. HCG will keep test production running in your stones. Even a dose as low as 250mg a week of test will shut you down hard. The HCG is a necessity.Your PCT and recovery will be SO much better if you use HCG.

250 IU twice a week for the duration of the cycle. Too much HCG will desensitize, and be like you're not even running it at all.
Would hcg really be needed for running a test only cycle your first time , srry for jacking the thread just curious

Yes, HCG should be used each and every cycle. HCG will keep test production running in your stones. Even a dose as low as 250mg a week of test will shut you down hard. The HCG is a necessity.Your PCT and recovery will be SO much better if you use HCG.

250 IU twice a week for the duration of the cycle. Too much HCG will desensitize, and be like you're not even running it at all.
you should run test only for first cycle but i also ran dbol at 30mg ed for first 4 weeks as test e takes a while to kick in i had no problems but everyone says run test only on first cycle its your choice