My First Steroid Cycle Test/Dbol Cycle


New member
Hey guys I'm about to start my first cycle and I wanted to run Dbol and Test-E. Please let me know if you think this would be a good plan.

Weeks 1-12: Test E 250mg/Monday, Test E 250mg/Thursday

Weeks 1-4: Dbol-30mg/day

Weeks 1-12: Aromasin-.5/day
*Also have letro on hand*

Weeks 14-18: Nolvadex 20mg/day

Please let me know if i should add or remove anything. Thanks!
I am assuming you mean arimidex for Aromatase inhibitor (AI) not aromasin. it would be 6.25 mgs or 12.5 mgs /day if it was aromasin and if it is arimidex .5mgs/day is overkill at the beginning dose it at .25 or .5 EOD or E3D and adjust it as you go with symptoms of high Estrogen.

PCT should start at week 15 (2 weeks after last pin from week 12 would be week 15) and I would add 50mgs/day of clomid with the nolva
Being that it's your first cycle, I would run test only. That should be plenty for a first time user. Save the Dbol for another cycle. Lastly get some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and throw in 250ius of that twice per week from start of injections until last injection. When running a first cycle, it's best to see how your body reacts to a single compound. For example lets say you start with test and Dbol and start feeling lethargic and getting severe acne, what compound is causing what?? Is it the test or is it the Dbol?? Get my drift? Also what's your stats like age, height, weight, lifting experience, etc??
Being that it's your first cycle, I would run test only. That should be plenty for a first time user. Save the Dbol for another cycle. Lastly get some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and throw in 250ius of that twice per week from start of injections until last injection. When running a first cycle, it's best to see how your body reacts to a single compound. For example lets say you start with test and Dbol and start feeling lethargic and getting severe acne, what compound is causing what?? Is it the test or is it the Dbol?? Get my drift? Also what's your stats like age, height, weight, lifting experience, etc??

And this ^^^^