My testostrone enanthate cycle


New member
hi all been on here a few weeks just doing alot of reading and reminding to myself. i did a test e cycle about 8 years ago (my first cycle) but i had forgotten alot about what to take and when by now so been having abit of a refresher.
i would just like all you guys who have experience to tell me what i need to add or remove from my cycle or give me a pat on the back for getting it right lol.

i have put in my cycle clomid but i also have proviron and nolva if someone wants to tell me what they recomend for dosage and what time in cycle for them.

heres what im thinking.
22 gauge 30mm (1.25 inch) needle for Drawing
25 gauge 40mm (1.5 inch) needle for jabbing

Weeks 1-5:
*500mg testosterone per week (2x 250mg prob monday/thursday)
*1 tablet of clomid every other day (50mg)

Weeks 5-10:
*500mg testosterone per week (2x 250mg prob monday/thursday)
*1 tablet of clomid every other day (50mg)
* 250iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on each Pin day

Week 11:
*300mg testosterone per week
*1 tablet of clomid every other day (50mg)
*500 IU Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on each pin day

Week 12:
*200mg testosterone per week
*100mg of clomid every day
*500 IU Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) everyday

Week 14:
*50mg of clomid every day

please giv me your honest feedback and let me know where and how much of proviron and nolva you would put in.

thanks all look forward to your answers.
I'm not going to comment on the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as I don't personally use it at the moment, but I can tell you that clomid doesn't do what you think it does for the purposes of your cycle. You want an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (aromatase inhibitor) to control estrogen, not a SERM. Save the clomid for your PCT (when you come off the testosterone) and use it in conjunction with the Nolvadex to not only aid with the restarting of your natural production, but to help keep any free estrogen from attaching to your breast tissue; causing gynecomastia.

I do enjoy proviron, but you should also know that it is not a true "anti-estrogen" if that's what you're thinking of using it for. It helps give "dry" gains and is more of a libido enhancing agent as well as the fact it can help you have more free testosterone by reducing your SHBG. Sure, it does compete with estrogen at the receptor, but that doesn't prevent estrogen from being created by your aromatase enzymes. I tend to run proviron at 50mg ED, but have gone as high as 75mg ED with little difference noticed.

You can find proper dosing of the clomid/nolva in one of the many stickies in the AAS section.

My .02c :)
I'm not going to comment on the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as I don't personally use it at the moment, but I can tell you that clomid doesn't do what you think it does for the purposes of your cycle. You want an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (aromatase inhibitor) to control estrogen, not a SERM. Save the clomid for your PCT (when you come off the testosterone) and use it in conjunction with the Nolvadex to not only aid with the restarting of your natural production, but to help keep any free estrogen from attaching to your breast tissue; causing gynecomastia.

I do enjoy proviron, but you should also know that it is not a true "anti-estrogen" if that's what you're thinking of using it for. It helps give "dry" gains and is more of a libido enhancing agent as well as the fact it can help you have more free testosterone by reducing your SHBG. Sure, it does compete with estrogen at the receptor, but that doesn't prevent estrogen from being created by your aromatase enzymes. I tend to run proviron at 50mg ED, but have gone as high as 75mg ED with little difference noticed.

You can find proper dosing of the clomid/nolva in one of the many stickies in the AAS section.

My .02c :)

thanks for your post its an intresting read, what Aromatase inhibitor (AI) would you recomend and what doseage? i will get some ready and keep the clomid out as suggested

Like Halfwit said, read the stickies in the AAS section. It will be good for your knowledge and will answer your question on AI.