My Trenbolone Dreams! Advice Please?


New member
Yesterday I started injecting 50mg Tren Ace and plan to do so ED.

Last night I experienced the most weird dreams ever, 2 of them! (I can't remember last time I had two dreams in one night and remembered them).

One was going AGGRO and literally killing my flat mate in a gruesome way. Another was me getting in a big fight with a colleague, then going mad at a machine cos it stopped working.

- I remember my emotions and the emotions of others throughout both dreams and remember everything.

Does this sound like it could be the Tren Ace kicking in somewhat already? Are these typical Tren like dreams?

Tren Ace is quick acting and the mental effects are usually the first to hit.

Most importantly, cycle history please... Age, height, weight, training experience.

FFS please don't tell me you are running nothing but Tren and you are new to AAS! (No do be honest though).

But, to the original question, Tren does all sorts of loopy things, Tren induced nightmares are nothing new and all apart of the Tren experience. That's if you can even sleep on it. Bit of Medical Buds, an Indica dominant strain should help knock you out, supress dreams and keep you calm when it comes to sleeping on Tren. I will not ever, run Tren again without a good amount of Indicia heavy bud. Alternaitvely you can use a benzo but this is going to 95% chance put you on the path to benzo dependancy if your using it to combat Tren induced sides.

The worst is yet to come my friend, more power to you if you can tolerate it, and stick with 50mg ED and no more. Within the next 2 weeks you'll understand why! (Spoiler, you'll realise how strong it is at building muscle, burning fat and taking your sanity and chewing it up for dinner lol).

Ofcourse, you are getting this from someone who hates Tren and just doesn't tolerate it well. Everyone is different however.
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Been weight training since 14 years old (I am now 21)
Been weight training and bulking/ cutting optimally since 19 years old.
5'4" 165lbs at 11-12% Body Fat

This is my 4th cycle. I'm currently cutting and losing fat at the rate of 2-2.5 lbs EW. I'm currently running:-

Tren Ace / 50mg ED
Test E / 150mg EW
Deca / 300mg EW (purely for joints)
hGH / 4ius ED
hCG / 300ius 2x EW
Adex / 0.25mg E3D

Want to keep my E2 levels low to reduce the chance of progesterone/ prolactin from Tren creating issues (still undecided whether prog/ prol links with tren are myth or not).

Seen as your asking for this info, How much do you think I can increase Adex without dropping E2 levels too low in your opinion? (Never ran Test this low before so unsure of Adex dosing in this environment).

EDIT: First time running Tren, used Test E, Deca, and EQ before in varying amounts/ ratios.
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Thanks for your detailed reply. I am seriously aiming for the "Tren Look" and so I'm ready for the sides and hoping I can tolerate them.
Looks good except replacing Deca with NPP would be far, far wiser along with replacing Test E with Prop.

Test Prop, NPP, Tren Ace... Wicked combo, I've done it with long ester though. That dose of adex should be ok with that dose of Test and Deca btu I'm going to suspect you may need to up it. Getting your e2 checked is going to be the way to truly gauge it and adjust accordingyy . Bloodwork!
Any advice on where or how to get bloodwork? I've always wanted to! I live in the UK.

I'm sticking with long ester Deca & Test as I am now aware of how my body responds with dosing and with regards to AI. Do you think I could get away with 0.25mg Adex E2D? I ran Test E and Deca both at 1,500mg EW before (overkill and silly I know and understand its UGL so is likely half the mg each) with Adex at 0.25mg E2D with ZERO Estrogenic sides.
Any advice on where or how to get bloodwork? I've always wanted to! I live in the UK.

I'm sticking with long ester Deca & Test as I am now aware of how my body responds with dosing and with regards to AI. Do you think I could get away with 0.25mg Adex E2D? I ran Test E and Deca both at 1,500mg EW before (overkill and silly I know and understand its UGL so is likely half the mg each) with Adex at 0.25mg E2D with ZERO Estrogenic sides.

Put it this way, I can't run 200mg Test without an AI...Everyone will react differently, but just because you feel ok on say 2G of Test, doesn't mean your BP isn't jacked, your prostate is growing, your lipids arent fucked etc etc.

I'd go to a doc and get bloodwork, alternatively you can get private bloodwork. Sorry I can't be of much help with that, my doc provides my bloodwork.
You are pretty young at 21 yrs old. Since you already started cycling and this would be your 5th I guess telling you to wait till your older is pointless. But IMO I think you should just do a lttle test and thats it. Save the tren and deca for later in life. How do you have joint issues at 21 that you need deca? Im 42 and I have only one joint that I have a prob with and it usually goes away with an advil.
I have hyper mobility issues and so shoulders hurt when heavy benching since 16 years old. I already do loads of Rotator Cuff work which has helped a lot but not cured, deca helps a lot.
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Normal BP is 128/60, my BP increased to 138/63 at the very peak of the heavy Test E/ Deca cycle and returned to normal not long later after cessation. By zero estrogenic sides I mean zero. Any idea how much I can increase my AI without risk of dropping oestrogen too low? I'm sticking with this cycle for 8 to max 10 weeks. Not worried about lower than normal E2 levels as long as it doesn't cause any negative side effects, especially to libido (I understand competitive bodybuilders drop E2 levels on purpose below normal to reduce water retention and achieve paper thin skin).
You are young to have so many cycles done, but you should be careful running the two 19-nors. Do you have prami or caber on hand bud? You do know that you will likely be doing trt by the time you hit 30. The body can only handle so many hormonal assaults bud. Good luck anyways and tren causes weird dreams, just part of yhe game.
No my supplier doesn't offer caber or prami. Thats why I am worried about prog/ prol sides from the tren (especially libido issues). This is why I want to ensure my oestrogen is low to prevent any of this. I have read that people run 19-nors with enough Test and when oestrogen is kept low enough, no sides occur. Can anyone weigh in on this?

Now considering running Adex @ 0.25mg EOD to be safe and letting joints suffer and dropping deca :/
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No my supplier doesn't offer caber or prami. Thats why I am worried about prog/ prol sides from the tren (especially libido issues). This is why I want to ensure my oestrogen is low to prevent any of this. I have read that people run 19-nors with enough Test and when oestrogen is kept low enough, no sides occur. Can anyone weigh in on this?

Now considering running Adex @ 0.25mg EOD to be safe and letting joints suffer and dropping deca :/

Yes, keeping e2 in check will make it more difficult to have prolactin issues. Click on the lion at the top of the screen if you want to control prolactin (hint)
I have hyper mobility issues and so shoulders hurt when heavy benching since 16 years old. I already do loads of Rotator Cuff work which has helped a lot but not cured, deca helps a lot.

Same scenario. Don't let age mean it can't happen, only less likely.