Need advice on my cycle


New member
Hey all

I have been doing my research on different bulking cycles. I have done the whole deca,sus, tren cycles; i have even used equi instead of deca. But, have never had real good gains always used low dosages. My current stats are 176cm tall, 95kgs at 6%bf. My goal is to step on stage at 100kg or as close too.

I'm planning on running a 10 week cycle.

week 1-10 sus
week 1-10 tren eth
week 1-5 npp
week 1-10 deca

I am also looking at running gh and insulin with this cycle.

Any advice on dosages or any better bulking cycles.
bad idea to run those 3 compounds, your asking for trouble, either drop the tren and npp, or drop the npp and tren....
Your saying "step on stage" bodybuilding competition? If don't want to add weight before comp. Your trying to shred everylast ounce of fat/water you can withstand without passing out from sheer exhaustion. And the diet...ohhh the diet=I'd rather die sometimes. You want this cycle.
16 weeks: Test p...masteron...Tren A...var or winnie...Step on stage and win with that combo.
You'll step on stage and look big as fuck but lose with this one...test e...dbol..equi..deca..androl.( or take androl out)
Just not sure of your step on stage comment.
My Comp is in august next year. Why do people not like running tren with deca or equi? i have run them together before and have had no shut down.