Need advice/opinions on this cycle. I've done research for years and


New member
Need advice/opinions on this cycle. I've done research for years and spoken to
many peers about it.

First to give you my stats and situation.

I am 31yo 5'10 186lbs 32.5" waist with
a very good lean strong athletic base.

I have almost finished my 2nd Pro Hormone
cycle of my life.

I have researched and found that many
feel they do work and offer some benefits,
while some think they are garbage.

I have also come to the conclusion that
Testosterone injections are much safer
than PH's especially on the liver.

I could be off, but with my readings
such orals like PH's pass through the
liver up to 4x's Vs. test injections only
1x through the liver.

I have almost completed an 11 month
complete body transformation that was
initially caused by an unstable thyroid.

When I was 20yrs I was playing the
power back football position at around
240lbs with a bit if a gut, 1RPM 4 plate
bench, 4 plate complete squat just to
give you an idea of my natural lifts.

Within 3 months I shrunk to under
200lbs and couldn't even bench a
45lb plate due to hyper thyroid.

Finally in 2004 they burned it with
Iodine and from 04 to present, it
has taken this long to stabilize the
thyroid with 1.12mg's of Synthroid a day.

I started being able to lose weight
last May for the first time in ages.

I started at 240lbs with a 42" waist
still lot's of muscle, but also seemed
to be prone to natural water retention
even had some cellulite build up and
could see the bumps in areas.

I started taking Anti-Estrogen supps
like Formadrol Extreme and 6-OXO.

I noticed just from those I started to
lose body fat, water retention and the
cellulite started to vanish.

I was cutting back on calories (I have
the best diet in my life and it's working
to keep me lean and strong), did
soooo many hours of cardio I couldn't
believe it.

I started with my first PH cycle last
fall of LG Sciences Methyl 1-D, Formadrol Xt with liver support, Saw Palmetto and
iForce Nutrition Reversitol for PCT.

I read that many felt it was a crap
supplement, but could've been placebo
but I gained a lot of strength and lost
a lot of fat.

Also could be b/c I was doing a lot
of full body strenght circuit traiing,
HIIT etc.....

I am finishing up my 2nd PH cycle
of Methyl 1-D, VPX Syngex 2 (only paid $60
for 2 bottles), Formadrol XT, Liver Support,
Saw Palmetto.

I will run Reversitol for PCT.

I have noticed that my libido has shot
through the roof, lot's of aggression
which is great as I train in boxing and
MMA, and some acne but I have a
special Benzaclen cream which is great.

My power has gone up a lot after losing
a total of 60lbs and 17 over all inches
of fat/water of my body, I lost sooo
much strength.

My dead lifts at around 185lbs proper
form are about 320lbs 1RPM, full
below parallell squat 250lbs 1RPM,
flat bench 240lbs proper form natural
arch, butt/lower back/shoulders flat
on the bench bar all the way down.

Pretty much all of my water retention
has finally disappeared, Much of my
cellulite has disappeared and my skin
is tightening up a lot.

I went to see a surgeon as I thought
I had lose skin, but he revealed to
me that some people have solid
fat i.e. big stomachs which usually
means a lot of internal bf% especially
around the organs, and other people
have "hangy" fat which is what I have.

I've noticed through my diet, HIIT,
ab sculpting exercises, switching
hot and cold water in the shower,
I'm getting much tighter as time
goes on.

Just so you have an idea of what I
want to accomplish with my first
cycle, I need to keep very lean,
powerful, flexible, agile, good endurance
and speed for my MMA and boxing.

So here's what I want to take.

I want to run a 2 month cycle of
Testosterone Enanthate of 2 injections
at 250mg's twice a week.

I will need Nolvadex I'm quite sure as
I think I was prone to high estrogen
levels even prior to my PH's, and a
PCT of either Clomid but I'm told that
Arimidex (I think it's called is much
better and your cum shots increase
a lot according to my friends).

I do have a bicuspid aortic valve
(2 flaps in the hear when it should
be a tricuspid) but I just had it checked
and it's very very strong, no irregular
heart beats.

My lungs, conditioning and cardiovascular
health are very very good.

I have strong HDL and very low LDL,
I have normal blood pressure a low rate,
an average resting heart rate of about

Additional medications include;
Celexa (SSRI) 60mg's/day
Concerta (ADHD) 36mg's/day
Synthroid 1.12mg's/day

While on the pro-hormones I had
no problems or interactions with
my 3 other medications, no depression,
anxiety or weird feelings etc....

So I come to you and the board for
assistance and opinions.

All I can say is with the PH's, I feel
much much healthier over all and that's
how I know that I would feel the same
benefits with much less health risks
while including Testosterone Enanthate.

I thank you to those who can help
me out.

I will also continue doing my research
and speak to my peers.

I just spoke to a trainer about it who
had gone through a similar body transformation and he was on a similar
cycle and feels the same way about it
as I do.

It's funny, I always used to be against
steroids and think that it was cheating,
but I've felt and seen how just a little
bit of hormone replacement by the help
of garbage PH's has increased my quality
of life.

Plus I've researched that I'd be saving
a lot of money going with the real

Thanks again to anyone who helps.
Nobody wants to help a researching

Given my past training, current training,
supplements, body transformation and
current lifts, do you think I will be okay
on 250mg's 2x's/week of Test E?
You're fine with 250mg twice a week.

Methyl1D is shit.

Thanks for your input.

LOL that's what I've read from

It seemed to help me out though
which is weird for a shit product.

I was wondering, I'm going to be
taking Nolvadex during and post

Would Clomid or Arimidex (I think it's
spelled) be better for PCT?

I'm also wondering what I could take
to prevent Prostate enlargement?

I don't have a problem with it, just

I do take Saw Palmetto is that enough?

Thanks again
and aromasin is a stronger estrogen blocker then adex