Need Diet Advice


New member
I've been trying to lose weight for a while now, only to fail. I really want to get serious about it, but need advice on a diet. Still being in school, it's hard to eat 5-6 meals a day. Also still being dependent on my parents to provide the food, it's hard to be able to choose what I eat and don't eat. Can anyone help please?

Age: 17
Weight: 230
Height: 6'0
BF: 30ish%
Goals: Get to around 15% body fat, then start a bulk.
welcome riley! The good news is that at 17 you've still got really high naturally testosterone levels so it shouldn't been to hard to lose fat and put on some muscle. I hear ya about trying to fit all those meals in. In terms of relying on your parents, just sit down with them and have a discussion about what your goals are and the lifestyle changes you want to make.

Since you are in school, you probably won't be able to eat every 3 hours, but you should be ok anyway. Wake up earlier if need be, eat breakfast, eat lunch at school, eat when you get home, eat dinner, eat before bed. That's 5 meals right there for ya!
Thanks for the advice. I lift regularly, just have a lot of body fat on me. Would you discourage ECA stacks or Clenbuterol for someone my age?