Need help with my 5th cycle


New member
Hello Everyone,

My name is jame takher, and I need help with my cycle.

My first post here, typically I dont post on forums but I assumed I would try it out and ask you experts.

Currently this will be my 4th cycle, I have done cycles consisting of only test. and 1 cycle with test and dbol.

I have a bunch of stuff that I have gotten for free from a friend of mine.

This is what I have,

200 tabs of dianbol 10 mg tabs
100 tabs of anadrol 25 mg tabs
10 ml of tesp prop 100mg
40 ml of test Eth 250mg
10ml of deca durbulone 250mg
aromasin as well as clomid.

with this, what would be a good cycle?

also I want a cycle that will keep water weight as low as possible.

Use as much as needed, I would prefer to use both test prop and eth, as well as deca for sure. I am not sure about dbol or anadrol??
if I take eithier dbol or anadrol how would I take the AI?
all help is appreaciated.

my stats, 29 YOA, 8 years of lifting, I eat well, typically 8 times a day. I do cardio but usually only 3 or 4 times a week. I dont know my BF but I am not fat, nor am I skinny as hell lol.

anyways I appreciate the help:)
Holy crap not again---lol.

Ok, edit that shit. Is it your 5 cycle or 4th? And if
That's your real name delete it and make a different one .

And, for doing so many cycles The questions your asking aren't making sense. I'm sorry bro but just being honest. If
You don't know already that 1 bottle
Prop and 1 bottle deca aren't enough for a full cycle you got
Much learning to do.

Are you sure this is your 4/5 cycle???

And let's get
Productive from this post- what is your main goal
Last edited:
Holy crap not again---lol.

Ok, edit that shit. Is it your 5 cycle or 4th? And if
That's your real name delete it and make a different one .

And, for doing so many cycles The questions your asking aren't making sense. I'm sorry bro but just being honest. If
You don't know already that 1 bottle
Prop and 1 bottle deca aren't enough for a full cycle you got
Much learning to do.

Are you sure this is your 4/5 cycle???

And let's get
Productive from this post- what is your main goal

oops, sorry this is my 4th cycle. first cycle doesnt count, it was a Prohormone cycle that I quit 3 weeks in. and its not my full name. and I am not scared of cops, I use tor. my IP is hidden.

I want to run ethnante the whole cycle, I want to use prop to "kickstart" cycle, and I dont HAVE to use deca. but if I could cycle it in I will. but I dont have too.

I did not buy any of this, so if u can give me a cycle that I might be able to run with this stuff I will, if not I can use whatever I need.

also I want to run a 4 month cycle. forgot to mention.

My main goal is to get stronger\leaner. gain at least 10 pounds after I am done with cycle.
Dude besides you count being off, something doesn't add up.

this is why I dont post on these forums. everyone is so judgemental, and no one ever helps.

even if I lied about everything why does it matter? i asked for help with a cycle and dosage information not if I am on my 10th cycle or 30th.
Bro all I asked is how you ran your last cycles, that would be a starting place to help you. Have a good one and good luck.
If you don't want water retention why would you use a-bombs or dbol? Surely you'd have got tbol instead.
Op -- pretty simple to put a cycle together with those compounds.. If you don't have enough to do it, then buy more before you begin.

Test prop - 150 mg every other day - weeks 1-4
Test Enath - 500 mg a week - weeks 1-14
Dbol - 40 mg per day - weeks 1-5
Deca - 400 mg per week - weeks 1-12

If you do NOT want to Bloat,, especially the first several weeks while running the Dbol - you have to run an AI (armoatise inhibitor)-- arimidex .25mg-.5mg eod or Aromasin 12.5 mg every day. run the AI duration of the cycle. If your blood pressure goes up and you retain water, then up your AI dosage.

clomid and nolvadex for pct.. I recommend running hcg the duration of your cycle