Need help with my post cycle therapy (pct) asap

Need help with my pct asap

hello i was wondering if someone could help me out with my PCT iv done alot of reading and realized that im going to need more then what i was going to do as like everyone i dont want to crash and loose my gains.
ok so i was going to use arimdex on its own but i really think that's going to be a stupid move i was told that's all id need for my pct but doing some reading says some thing else.
ok so this is my first cycle and iv ran 17 weeks as of 14/02/13 yesrturday now iv ran tmax 400 witch is a slow release witch

each mil contains
100mg test phenylpropionate
100mg test cypionate
100mg test isohexanate
100mg test decanote
benzyl benzoate
benzyl alcohol

i ran for the first 5 weeks dinabols 40mg and tmax for 2 weeks half mil twice aweek for 2 weeks then uped it to 1 mill twice aweek and i also staked it with tren e 200 half mil in each shot for 10 weeks 3 weeks ago i started to tapper off the tmax and take half a mill tmax twice a week toped with half a mill sus 350 fast release in ech half mil shot of tmax im out on tmax but think i better get another 5 mill to get my PCT 100% run half mil twice a week 5 also using clen tabs and anivar 100mg clen and 60mg Anavar (var) per day.
now iv read that i should use hcg/pregnel , nova and clomid i found this guid
(hCG) (2500 IU x 16d), clomiphene citrate (50 mg x 30d) and tamoxifen (20 mg x 45d), to restore the HPGA
i also read that you should use a low dose of test such as dbol 20mg a day why doing your pct

i really need some ones help that knows exactly what there talking about