Need some good advice on Clen


New member
Hey guys, first post. I know, i know another newb posting about Clenbuterol.

Hear me out. I just want to give my situation to you guys and see if you think im a good candidate for a Clen cycle.

Im 25y.o , currently 225 pounds around 25%BF. I have been lifting on and off for around 3 years. I have always struggled with my weight but after a solid 4 months of dieting I have shed around 35 pounds.

My daily calories are 1700/day plus one day at 2600 cal and another at 3400 cal. Macros are usually P:50% C: 25% F:25%.

My weight loss is currently about 2 pounds per week. Now I know this is great and it looks like i'm doing everything right so far. Im just really getting sick of cutting but not happy with my BF% yet. Also my strength is fading big time. My bench has dropped 20 pounds over the last 2 months. Deadlift still steady though. Just feel still fat and now weak as hell.

I'm considering doing a cycle of Clen to try and recover some strength and cut some more fat. I think if I run 2 weeks on 2 weeks off 2 weeks on I should be at a BF% im happy with. Then bulk for 2/3 months naturally before getting back on my cut.

At this point im 100% natural. Never tried anything before. Thinking Clen would be a good starting point. Just wondering if there is anything im missing? How will my strength be affected on the Clen and then back off it?

Just need some Vets to point me in the right direction.

Much appreciated.
Starting @ 20 mcg and increasing the dose Ed by 20mcg till you reach 100 mcg if you are comfortable with the sides at this dose increase it to 120 mcg Ed for 2 weeks and then run eca for 2 weeks use benadryl at night during your cycle
Continue this for a total of 8 weeks and you should see good results
But you need to get your diet in place a 1800-2000 cal diet high in protein and low in carbs and fats should suffice
HIIT Cardio 6 days a week with circuits and you will get your desired goals!
Clen diddnt effect my strength much it's the dieting that does but it will come back when you are done cutting and ready for your next bulk
1. Lose some chub before you take any clen. Great job on the progress you've made, but the clen would be better used when you get down to a much lower body fat.
2. You shouldn't be losing any strength. If you are then try check to see if it's from mental exhaustion or lack of carbs. Go a couple of days with a normal diet and see if your strength goes back to where it was before. If it doesn't, then you are doing something seriously wrong. As long as your muscle has a stimulus you should not be losing muscle.
3. Good luck on your fat loss journey. It's a bitch, I know, but the ends justify the hardship.