Need some help with my first homebrew

James S

New member
Could sombody give me some pointers about starting my first homebrew?

Just waiting for my parcel with Testo E to arrive.

Have a list over thinks I`v read I need,

Nalgene MF75 bottletop filter
Hand vacumpump with pressure gaug unit
500ml media glass bottle
600ml glass baker
Digital thermometer
Vials, stoppers, crimper, capper

Benzyl Alcohol
Benzyl Benzonate

What you think guyes, is there anything else I need?

And does anyone have a link to a homebrew prosess with pictures for Test E?
You might want to get a digital scale if affordable.
Would also recommend getting a spray bottle and a few bottles of rubbing alcohol for disinfecting purposes. These are really cheap, so definitely get them.

By the way, you won't need bb to dissolve Test E. It melts on its own.
Thanks for the help Buttman.

Rubbing alcohol is on the list, same with digital scale.

Just aslo bought Dispensette.
Heard it was a good way to keep the juice sterile while putting into vials?

What is the difference if you use the bb or not?
Is it only for dissolving the powder, or does it have any other effect then just that?
Just waiting for my order of bb and ba to get started Pinkston.
I`ll give you a notice on how it goes.
Wow, u must going to make a ton of shit, huh. I mean with a hand vaccum pump. Well if so u definitely save a lot of money. The bb is to keep the hormone suspended in soln so it doesn't crash. As buttman says u definitely need a scale, any cheap gm scale will do since brewing is not rocket science. U don't need tolerances to the micro gm accuracy weighing powder. Go to Basskilleronline & he has pics as well as an algorithm for cooking da shit. If u get pip just put more BB to smoothen it out. Good Luck
Thanks for the help Buttman.

Rubbing alcohol is on the list, same with digital scale.

Just aslo bought Dispensette.
Heard it was a good way to keep the juice sterile while putting into vials?

What is the difference if you use the bb or not?
Is it only for dissolving the powder, or does it have any other effect then just that?

You're welcome.

Never knew about Dispensette, but it looks pretty neat (and costly, too)! If you can afford it, by all means, go for it, but I have never heard anyone used it, so I cannot say whether or not it is cost effective.

Regarding bb, as mccoda42 mentioned, it is used to dissolve the powder, to keep it from crashing (forming crystals) and to make the oil solution more liquidy. Some types of powder (Test E, Nandrolone/Deca, Boldenone, etc.) will not crash, so you might not need to use bb.

Personally, I don't use bb at all, because I have read some research articles as well as from personal experiences that BB and/or BA can cause a lot of pain a few hours after injection.
Wow, u must going to make a ton of shit, huh. I mean with a hand vaccum pump. Well if so u definitely save a lot of money. The bb is to keep the hormone suspended in soln so it doesn't crash. As buttman says u definitely need a scale, any cheap gm scale will do since brewing is not rocket science. U don't need tolerances to the micro gm accuracy weighing powder. Go to Basskilleronline & he has pics as well as an algorithm for cooking da shit. If u get pip just put more BB to smoothen it out. Good Luck

Well as you may know most of the suppliers only sell 100g as a minimum, so going to make everything at once, and stash it away until I need to make some more. Thought most of people here just dispensette or syring filters so thats why I bought it. And it looks like a good way to keep thing sterile. But maybe I overdid it a bit? But since I`m going to store most of the juice until I need some, isn`t it best to use BB to keep it stable and don't crash while stored? Thans for your help.
You're welcome.

Never knew about Dispensette, but it looks pretty neat (and costly, too)! If you can afford it, by all means, go for it, but I have never heard anyone used it, so I cannot say whether or not it is cost effective.

Regarding bb, as mccoda42 mentioned, it is used to dissolve the powder, to keep it from crashing (forming crystals) and to make the oil solution more liquidy. Some types of powder (Test E, Nandrolone/Deca, Boldenone, etc.) will not crash, so you might not need to use bb.

Personally, I don't use bb at all, because I have read some research articles as well as from personal experiences that BB and/or BA can cause a lot of pain a few hours after injection.

It was a bit costly, but hopefully it will easy the transfer of the oil and minimize the risk of contamination.
But as I asked Mccoda over here, since I`m going to store it for a while, maybe it`s best with BB, or will it keep stable for let`s say a year?

Seen that most people are using 2% and some 1% BB.
I recon the more BB you use, the more stable it gets?
It was a bit costly, but hopefully it will easy the transfer of the oil and minimize the risk of contamination.
But as I asked Mccoda over here, since I`m going to store it for a while, maybe it`s best with BB, or will it keep stable for let`s say a year?

Seen that most people are using 2% and some 1% BB.
I recon the more BB you use, the more stable it gets?

By "stable", do you mean keeping the oil from forming crystal?

If your concern is about the oil forming crystal, then there should be no worry with Test Enanthate. It doesn't form crystal. However, If you're making Test Prop or some other hormone that tend to crash, then you will need BB.

If your concern is the oil going bad due to bacteria, then what you need is BA (Benzyl Alcohol) at 1%. It prevents the growth of microbes. This is based on what I read from other posters.
By "stable", do you mean keeping the oil from forming crystal?

If your concern is about the oil forming crystal, then there should be no worry with Test Enanthate. It doesn't form crystal. However, If you're making Test Prop or some other hormone that tend to crash, then you will need BB.

If your concern is the oil going bad due to bacteria, then what you need is BA (Benzyl Alcohol) at 1%. It prevents the growth of microbes. This is based on what I read from other posters.

That's what I ment yes, just don`t want to waste anything by doing it wrong.

Ok, nice.
But why do people still put BB in the Testo E mix if there is no point of it?

Sorry, I mixed up the BA and BB.
Been reading that people usually use 1%-2% BA, even seen people posted using 5%.

Did a melting point Test E yesterday and my powder melted at about 30-40c.
Is it suppose to have a certain smell?
Mine had a bit strange smell, light cat piss or something, is that normal?

See that people are talking about a piney smell, so have to smell it again to check.
It came in white powder with a few lumps, so thought maybe leave it in room temp to check if it gets waxy like people say.
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I'm guessing that the reason why people put BB into their Test E mix is to thin out the solution, to make it more "liquidy", so it can go through a small needle easier.

Regarding the melting of Test E, it should melt when you pinch it for a few seconds. The heat of your fingers should be warm enough to melt it. It is a bit sticky like melt chocolate candy. I'm not sure about the smell, but LOL about the light cat piss.
I'm guessing that the reason why people put BB into their Test E mix is to thin out the solution, to make it more "liquidy", so it can go through a small needle easier.

Regarding the melting of Test E, it should melt when you pinch it for a few seconds. The heat of your fingers should be warm enough to melt it. It is a bit sticky like melt chocolate candy. I'm not sure about the smell, but LOL about the light cat piss.

Aha, of course, when you say it , I remember reading about it.

Maybe not the best description of the smell hehe.

Thanks for all your help, looking forwards to get started, and now with a little more knowledge then before.
Aha, of course, when you say it , I remember reading about it.

Maybe not the best description of the smell hehe.

Thanks for all your help, looking forwards to get started, and now with a little more knowledge then before.

You're welcome and good luck with your brew, mate.
Then I made my first brew, it all worked out good, except I blew my millipore 22 filter one time, since I had forgotten to preset the vacuum pump to take air out,
so instead I put air inside.

What a fucking nubee mistake hehe,
but I learned.

Made my Testo E with 1% BA and 10% BB.

But have second thought about my powder source now, since a friend of mine bought some HGH from him and did the boiling test, and the they didn`t become milky.
Not on the bluetops or the kigs,.
So thought also my powder may be bunk.

Any good way to test this?
Did the melting test, and it melted around 30-40c or so.
The smell, a bit sweet, not so much as cat piss as described before.

Anyway, thanks for all your help with my first brew :D
It was exiting and not that hard that I had expected.
Test E powder should melt in your hand.

Use your fingers and pinch a little bit of the powder and hold it there. The heat of your fingers should melt it within a minute or so.
Thanks again Buttman.

The powder didn`t melt in my fingers, I rubbed my fingers together and still there was some powder that wasn`t melted.

That sucks balls bro, thought I finally made my first good brew, but no good brew with bunk powder unfortunatly.

Test E powder should melt in your hand.

Use your fingers and pinch a little bit of the powder and hold it there. The heat of your fingers should melt it within a minute or so.
When you use HEET how do you deal with the methanol smell? Im about to brew my own and I wanna be prepared to deal with this smell and not make the neighbors think im running a meth lab outta my house
When you use HEET how do you deal with the methanol smell? Im about to brew my own and I wanna be prepared to deal with this smell and not make the neighbors think im running a meth lab outta my house

What are you brewing and why would you need HEET? Isn't that for the Finaplix pellets? If so, then you can use other types of alcohol instead. I have used isopropyl alcohol (91% rubbing alcohol). It's sold everywhere, more cost effective and probably less toxic, too.
This is something for Mr Buttman,he maybe help you with this, I`m not very experienced.
He`s the one that helped me trough my first brew, thanks again bro.