need to stay away frm peanut butter!!


New member
Hi im 6weeks away from my contest.

Current diet is 3days low carb <80g, protein 350-400g and fats 60-80g

followed by 1day high carb 600+, protein 250g and fats <15g

All is working well, although I tend to cheat with the amounts of peanut butter on low carb days. Normally have around 4tble sp aday, but some times I just cant stop. just finished off half a jar of the stuff.

felt awful when id finished. How much effect do you think this would of had on my physique? Might of been a good thing to shock my system with large amount of calories but then I thought well I get them on my high carb day.

Think I should just get rid of the peanut butter and stick with whole eggs or flax oil. Just get more satisfaction of having a tble sp of peanut butter and feel like ive actually had something I liked rather than a tble sp of flax oil.

Or should I just stick with the peanut butter, this only happens bout once every few wks. not like its every low carb day

let me know what you think though guys
U need to focus more on the show and Ur physique, than on hunger. U got to block the hunger out mentally because Ur not as hungry as Ur mind is having U think. P-butter is a problem for U right now, and U need to steer clear of it till after the show. Ur trying to feed the hunger with the P-butter, because of the satisfaction its giving U, half a jar, shit, U need to chill with it. Substitute it with whole eggs for 3 weeks and then with flax-oil right up to show time.
Great pics bro!!! I'm 2 weeks out right now, and I hear ya on the PB weakness! I've tamed it but it took a lot of mental power.... And cuttin down on herb
I dont know what it is about peanut butter but i have that same problem! The best way is to just not have it in the house, no matter how much it hurts lol
Ur trying to feed the hunger with the P-butter, because of the satisfaction its giving U, half a jar, shit, U need to chill with it.
cravings come like a pregnant women pre-contest.

fight them.

Yeah I know, It would make you salivate.

The only way to make fight it is to enjoy it. Play or try new things like new ingredients of your salads. Any thing that would make you enjoy.

While doing your fat burning activities such as jogging and other simple cardio will only be effective if again you'll enjoy it.

Just learn to love what you do. This goes not only for you but for other to.

I learned to love it when I saw this helpful write up: How To Burn Belly Fat? These Tips Will Save Your Stomach!! | Burn The Body Fat Blog
*Facts about peanuts or any other diet.
-Peanuts is considered as a food for the brain.
-Diet has nothing to do with your pimples; it is all because of your hormones.

I dont know what it is about peanut butter but i have that same problem! The best way is to just not have it in the house, no matter how much it hurts lol

Agreed if its not there you cant eat it. I have to do this with certain foods. Also, having sex will make me forget PB any day, give it a shot.
I use peanutbutter to get cals IN!! lol
4tbs=400cals alone.
I add that to my smoothys 4-5tbs. i cant imagin taking in a WHOLE jar!
I hope it was a small one. i but the 2kg jars hope you didnt eat that lol
Ahhh... overeating peanut butter. I will admit to being there on several occasions

I cant have it around. It is just too darn easy to keep eating, and that just means I am shoving the calories in.