New Guy question Cyp and EQ


New member
I have been trolling the forums for awhile now and I have been on Test Cyp 200mg/E7D for over 2 years now. I am in my early 30's, 5 7, 200 and have a solid base of lifting and notable size gains since being on cyp. So of the side effects Ive had so far is bloating and increased abdomen slightly decreased libido.

Last E2 test was about 3 months ago and normal. Just picked up some EQ and wanted to work that in to cut up a little bit and shed some additional weight. Looking for thoughts on how much EQ I should take and how to cycle it, also if I should take anything else with the Test cyp and EQ.

Thanks for helping a new guy out.
What do you mean by "you've been trolling the forums?" Are you looking to up your test dosage or are you trying to just add boldenone and see how you react to that? Some people will say to run 600mg wk as a minimum for eq but I would recommend running 700mg wk. People seem not to like eq nowadays but I think that it gives great vascularity and great capped delts when used correctly.

BTW eq will not help you cut up, only diet and cardio can do that.
Thanks.....Ive been just reading up and gaining some knowledge, thats what I mean. I want to keep test the same and just add in the EQ to see how I react.
Thanks.....Ive been just reading up and gaining some knowledge, thats what I mean. I want to keep test the same and just add in the EQ to see how I react.

Oh ok. I thought you were hinting that you were the troll who keeps making accounts and messing up every thread on here lol. Just make sure to run the eq at a high enough dosage, but IMO you would like the cycle better if you bump up the test dosage to 500mg wk along with the eq. Watch that hematocrit count when running eq bud.
I would highly recommend giving blood first before. I like EQ for the reasons mentioned above. The only draw back is the blood quality diminishing over time. You need to run it rather high to see the most out of it and also it will take about 4-5 weeks to really shine. Most people run it for at least 12 weeks I was running it like 20 weeks.

EQ with enough test will bring steady clean gains. Test needs to be at least 500 and the Boldnenone I would not run less than 700. If you have enough run it at a gram for best results.