New member: 12 week cutting/diet cycle


New member
This is my first post, so i figured I would jump right in. I am 6'1, 187 lbs, bf% is around 12. This will be my second cycle. I would like to make sure my diet is in check before i get started. Please critique, your advice would be greatly apprieciated.

12 week cycle:
andropen 275 2 cc's a week
masteron eth. 400 mg a week
winny: 50 mg ed, last 4 weeks
clen: two weeks on two off
pct: clomid and noveldex

Is it ok to do two shots a week of 1 cc andropen, and 200mgs of masteron, on mondays, and thursdays, or does the masteron need to be eod? I figured since its eth. it would be ok. Is it best to start the masteron at the beginning with the andro, or wait a couple of weeks.



2scoops whey isolate
1/2c oats

5:30 am workout

7:00 am
6 egg whites
2 whole eggs
1 c oatmeal
3 omeaga 3 6 9 caps
because of work schedule i will have to eat this meal at 7

2 scoops whey isolate
1/2 c oatmeal

6oz chicken
med. sweet pat.
1 c green beans
3 omega caps

6oz chicken
1 tbs nat pnb

6oz chicken
1 c green beans
3 omega caps

2 scoops casin
1tbs nat pnb


Sorry for the long post. Help please.
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Goals are to get as shredded as possible, workout is upper chest and shoulders, on Mondays, Tuesday is legs and ABS, Wednesday is 1hour cardio, Thurs is lower chest and triceps, Fri is back and biceps. Cardio is at least 30 mins each day other than Wed, low intensity
diet looks decnet.. except for that damn shake after your meal pwo... i dont like shakes unless they are pwo...

cycle looks good too

i would jsut add some more green veggies.. thats about it
I actually eat two cans of chicken in that meal not the shake, the only shakes are pwo at 5 00, and before bed. What about the masteron at the begining of the cycle or wait a couple of weeks. Also i have some liquid adex, should i be taking any of that during cycle?
I actually eat two cans of chicken in that meal not the shake, the only shakes are pwo at 5 00, and before bed. What about the masteron at the begining of the cycle or wait a couple of weeks. Also i have some liquid adex, should i be taking any of that during cycle?

a-dex will keep your bloat down... so running it .25mg ed wouldn't hurt

as for the mast.. you might wanna get a hold of dtone for that one.. iv never used that compound
How would dropping the pre workout meal at 5am affect my weight loss? Iknow u burn more fat on a empty stomach but would it hurt my actual weight lifting? I already skip Wed. Pre workout meal because its cardio only.
This is probably a stupid question but, could u drop it if u are using no explode, or hemo rage for some energy and fuel in the mornings?
as for the mast.. you might wanna get a hold of dtone for that one.. iv never used that compound

I can answer that.

Mast is a great compound in my opinion. Hardness and strength IF you are lean already.

I personally like Tren better. And IMO Tren is better in a calorie deficit. Which it sounds like you are.
I was not crazy on masteron, and I prefer tren. I have heard mixed reviews on it. A good friend of mine loves it and runs it in every cycle. Only one way to find out wether or not you will like it.

Good luck with your cycle.

I can answer that.

Mast is a great compound in my opinion. Hardness and strength IF you are lean already.

I personally like Tren better. And IMO Tren is better in a calorie deficit. Which it sounds like you are.