New winny thread. let the old one die.


After taking a brake from experiments for a couple of months, I have pulled out the kitchen chemistry set, dusted off the cobwebs, and donnned the rubber gloves.

As some of you know I had a pain issue (w/ major swelling and edema) with peg400 IM. I know I'm not the only one. This is for you guys that have the same experience as me. For the rest of you, enjoy your easy to make peg400 winny.

I have started a new batch. The plan is to use:

5%ba ( i know some say that any more than 2% will cause it to crash. we'll see)
The rest, oil. (yes, oil)

So far I have 100mg/ml in solution w/ the ba and peg400. It has been roughly 24 hrs holding. I'll give it one more day. Any falling out of solution will be addressed by adding bb, then gradually increasing peg400 till it holds. Once I have a solution that holds permenantly, I will add the remaining percentage of oil, shake, and shoot. If it is pain free, we have a winner. If not, then I switch to peg200 and run the same prcedure.

Nice, ill be watching this post for updates. Haha you even sign your posts ida now.

A little over 24hrs, and slight granular sediment noticed. probly gunna have to add the bb. We'll see tomorrow.

I have a few grams to play with myself. Im going the oral route (not THAT oral pb you sick bastard) but if IDA's results are good I might throw some in solution and shoot it.
Hey IDA, why would more than 2%ba cause it to crash? I would think the more ba, the better it would stay in solution.
Sweet! ill have to keep this thread goin so i can find out another way to make liquid Winstrol (winny) without anti freeze....
he's using 20% PE glycol gymmywonder. BTW who's jugs are those? i sho would luv to chaw on dem bad boys.
TxLonghorn said:
Hey IDA, why would more than 2%ba cause it to crash? I would think the more ba, the better it would stay in solution.

I personally see no reason why it would, but if u find the original oil recipe from harvey balboner, he states that more than 2% will cause it to crash. That may only aply to 100% oil base solutions, though I see no reason why increased solvent would increase the likelyhood of a crash.

We will find out.

put 5g Winstrol (winny) in 151, I gotta shake the piss out of it and suck it up QUICK with my dropper. Falls out of suspension faster than I thought it would god damn.

ida, you shootin that Winstrol (winny) yet?
I lied, I added 5% bb, but it crashed. now up to 10%bb.

DF- Still only at solvent and powder stage. once I have enough solvent to hold, I wil add the remaining % of oil, then see how the injection feels.

I have a feeling I am going to have to go higher than 20%peg400.

Will let you all know.

Wow, 15, is some nasty shit.

PB- chrystals formed pretty large, too big to draw.
I just wanted to update on my oral Winstrol (winny) at 100mg/ml in peg only. It held perfect for a week, then i took a look at it today and it is starting to crash. I am reheating it now. Why would this happen?

pullinbig said:
who knows? just heat it and let it fly.

That's what im doing now. I had it on the eye of the stove for like 30 mins and the crystals didnt budge. Im going to try baking it at around winnys MP now.
NYCEE said:
I just wanted to update on my oral Winstrol (winny) at 100mg/ml in peg only. It held perfect for a week, then i took a look at it today and it is starting to crash. I am reheating it now. Why would this happen?


no clue. sure it ts not a big deal. just reheat. what temp are you storing it at?
In the room the safe is in, id guess around 74 degrees, it's in the basement, which doesnt get the central A/C as well.