Next cycle; Prop/Tren/Mast (opinions appreciated!)


New member
I´m starting a cycle in August and it would be great getting some feedback.

25 years old, 5´10'', 185 pounds, BF around 12%. Been weight lifting on/off for 8 years.
This will be my second cycle. My last cycle was 12 weeks of Sustanon at 500mg/week and Dianabol at 30mg ED, last 4 weeks I added tren ace and Winstrol and I finished the cycle with HCG and then finally PCT with Clomid; 50/50/25/25 (Only had 20 x 50mg tabs). I Felt great the whole time, no problems what so ever. Went from 16% BF to 12% while adding muscles and strenght. I was really pleased with the results!

Now I want to do a Test prop/tren/mast cycle:

10 weeks of:
Test Prop 100mg EOD
Tren Ace 100mg EOD
Masteron 100mg EOD
PCT starting 3 days after last injection, consisting of:
Nolvadex 30/20/20/20 (I Only have 30 x 20mg)
Clomid 50/50/25/25
Also I am trying to get some HCG and planning on pinning 500iu a week.

My main goal is basically getting leaner! I´ll weight lift 5x a week. I´ll keep a strict diet 2500 - 3000 kcal a day (too little?); Protein, fish, meats, oats, greek strained yogurt, chicken.....

Any suggestions? Heard somewhere it would also be good starting off with Tren/prop and then switch to Mast/prop mid-cycle. Then instead of pinning 3cc EOD it would be 2cc EOD as all the compounds are 100mg/cc. I only inject the glutes so maybe 3cc EOD is to much oil?
Should I try getting more Nolva and clomid so I can go for the standard PCT 40/40/20/20 and 100/100/50/50 ?
What do you think?
normily i owuldn't advise Tren on your second cycle but since you already used it in your first cycle then fine.

Cycle looks good the way you have it. 100mg of each EOD is pretty nice, personaly I would lower the test a bit to 75mg EOD and keep Tren and Mast at 100, but that is just me, keep it at where you are comfortable.

PCT looks good except run clomid at 50 all the way through.

hcg is nice, but it's more of a luxury than a helps, but it's not madatory.

Good luck! with a good diet this should harden you up pretty good
I read everywhere that the first cycle should be a test only cycle, but unfortunately I got a bit greedy :S