No gear. Just me.


Got some new protien, creatine and multi vitamins I'll be starting in a few days. Just a few before pics...

36 yrs old
BF% ?????

Starting lifting at age 14. Competed in one show at 23. Stopped lifting at 26. Started lifting again after almost 10 year lay off. Pics are after 6 months of working out again. I was 270lbs and pudgy before.
One more pic. Didnt have any undies on when I started snapping these so I had to draw a pair. LOL :laugh3:

My wheels are lagging bigtime. I got glitchy knees now that keep screwing with getting a proper leg workout. Getting old sucks.

I'll post pics of the contest in a bit.
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Competition pics. I was 23 yrs old. This was my first and only show over 10 years ago. I was 180-185 lbs. I cant recall. Novice open class. Judges said I could have beaten the show overall winner that got his NGA pro card, but I wasnt eligible being novice.

This was a poor showing for me IMO. I recently came out of the military and only started working out serious again. A buddy of mine convinced me to do the show with a 6 month window. I was trying to bulk and cut at the same time....

Kai Greene was in the audience that day. The judges and his peoples were heckling him telling him that he better watch out for me. We'll see...
Welcome. Glad you blacked out the naughty bits. You got good genes, good natural build especially coming off the decade layoff (I did the same thing). Stick with it. You staying natural or looking to cycle?
Welcome. Glad you blacked out the naughty bits. You got good genes, good natural build especially coming off the decade layoff (I did the same thing). Stick with it. You staying natural or looking to cycle?

Looking to cycle soon and see what I can turn into. :bigok:
Dont take this personal but id have to call BS on the all natural. Even in your competition pics, if theres something from GNC thatll make you that ripped none of us will have to juice again. Like i said im not tryin to be a dick, if you really are natural, take this as a compliment. I personally know alot of guys who juice and pull the all natural card.
Dont take this personal but id have to call BS on the all natural. Even in your competition pics, if theres something from GNC thatll make you that ripped none of us will have to juice again. Like i said im not tryin to be a dick, if you really are natural, take this as a compliment. I personally know alot of guys who juice and pull the all natural card.

Hey im complimenting him. Im just saying i dont believe hes 100% natural, just my honest opinion. Alot of guys want to hide the fact that theyve cycled, be honest and dont mislead people.
Just busting your balls bro:wavey: I saw that picture somewhere and have been looking for an excuse to use it. LOL He does look great in those photos, if natty then he's definitely got better genetics than my parents gave to me!:agreed:
Dont take this personal but id have to call BS on the all natural. Even in your competition pics, if theres something from GNC thatll make you that ripped none of us will have to juice again. Like i said im not tryin to be a dick, if you really are natural, take this as a compliment. I personally know alot of guys who juice and pull the all natural card.

Olympian..... I gotta take your defense on the natural thing. I've got a younger brother that did has first and only show at 25. He placed 4th out of 14 and came in at 5'8" 167lbs absolutely fucking shreadded!!! To this day, the guy has never had a drink of alcohol, any type of rec. Drug, never juiced, hates to even take tylonel. The judges said that he was probably carrying the least amount of mass in his class but that his conditioning blew everyone off the stage and given the fact that it was a drug tested show, and they could tell that he was as clean as can be and that all the other fella's obviously came off their gear in time for testing, that they couldn't help but to place him that high when he came in looking so good against a field that was obviously not level. So good for you,bro. You looked great then and you've made a great comeback after so much time off. Keep up the good work!!
I guess we'll never know. Before i ever did juice, i could never tell who was on, who wasnt and who was natural. The more ive been around both juicers and natural guys, theres just that certain physique you get from juice that just never comes natural, freaky genetics or not. Im not tryin to bust the guys balls, i'll admit he looks alot better than me with 5 cycles under my belt and 5 years of steady training. I just see way too many guys on here with "god gifted genetics" ready to start their "first cycle".
Thanks Chip and others.

No offense taken. I was accused of taking roids pretty much since I started hitting the weights. I developed much faster and more complete than any of my friends and was always called the freak or whatever. Got called to the principals office for steroid concerns as well in High School.

I am cycling now and openly admit it. Wether you believe me or not, matters not. I KNOW that everything in those shots was my natural ablity.

As far as cutting I think I was using pyruvate, caffene and hydroxy cut or something similar for the time, I cant recall. Then just tons of cardio.

My conditioning was probably sharper cause I really didnt have to drop weight much when I did this show. A friend talked me into doing this show no a whim. I was recently discharge from the Navy and started getting back into a regular heavy lifting routine. I was normally around 220, but out of the Navy I was about 205 and a lot smaller. So for me, I was already tight. I had 6 months for this show, so I "bulked" for 4 months, then cut for 2. But really my bulk was just precontest diet with more carbs. I ate clean and tried to lift heavy.

Once I cut, I came in at 185. I felt scrawny as hell, but my conditioning was pretty damn impressive. Honestly I dont know If I would be able to do that now. Well see. Now Im 260 at 15% right now. I plan on doing a show early 2011 and try to come in at 230-235. Should be MUCH bigger. More my "natural" size, unlike this show. And this time, I most likely WILL use non OTC agents to assist.

But like the thread title states. All these pics are no gear. Just me. No reason to lie. Believe what you want.
you dont have to explain youself to anyone. I mean, for god sakes, we are all on a steroid website.... All taking, all learning, and some of us like myself, shoving as much down my throat, pins in my ass, delts, chest, traps, bi's, tri's..... Notice i didn't say quads and calfs.... Wont hit it there!!!! I would think for that reason alone people would understand that you were proud of your natural accomplishments and now you've moved into our world. I guess for some guys to see a dude as conditioned as you were, may be tough to grasp and believe it was natty, unless, like myself, they had someone close to them that actually did it and they got to see it first hand. Your conditioning was so incredible, but the trained eye can tell that you were definitely young and still had an awful lot of room for your muscle mass to "mature". And i mean that as a compliment cause if you had been juicing, with your genetics, your back, delts and traps would have been blown the fuck out, and your legs would have been not just great, but fucking insane, along with having striations in the glutes. I definitely stick with the natural nod!!!
And, something ironic to add. But about 3-4 years after this show, I quit lifting and bodybuilding cold turkey for almost 10 years.

Why did I quit? STEROIDS.

Back then I had this super high moral ground, and a foolish skewed view of what took to be a pro. I really believed that all they did was lift heavy, eat right and take X brand of supplement.

However the more and harder I lifted, I realized that I wasnt going to look like the guys in the magazines or any of the pros. I looked good, no doubt, but those guys are unreal. So about a year after this show, I caved in and got some advice from then pro Don Long. The guy was really cool and gave me a quick and dirty schooling on entry gear. He even hooked me up with a source and I bought and ran Test E for the first time. I dont recall the dose, but it wasnt a real cycle as I think I only ran it for a month. Of course I didnt get huge or anything, but my strenght went up and I get granite dense. This was just before I was getting married and I looked like a greek god. My groomsmen and the people at the tux rental were feaking at my condition. I didn look pretty gnarly...

Anyhow, my morals started pricking at me HARD for running the test, so I didnt bother to continue. I still continue to workout, but I grew more and more frustrated to the fact that If I wanted to be those guys with awe, fear, disgust inducing physiques, I would have to cross that bridge.

I told myself that my health, freedom and family stability wasnt worth it, and since I couldnt be the bodybuilder I wanted to be, I quit.

Obviousy now I have re-evaluated some of my positions. I guess having a little more of life under your belt can do that.

But yeah, if you REALLY knew me, you would know that Im telling the truth that the contest pics and more recent pics of me after starting back are gear free.

Once I hit my 2nd cycle I post up some more pics and perhaps youll be able to see a distinct difference. :wiggle: