NO2 Sucks!


New member
I have taken 2 bottles of NO2 now, and I can't tell that it works worth a sh!t... No "perpetual pumps", no strength gains, no bigger, etc. I bet that crap is just a sugar pill. What a ridiculous waste of money. I used Pinnacle NOX2, and Nitrix by BSN. I didn't ever break down and buy the expensive sh!t from GNC. Anyone had any results with that? Overall, i think it is a waste of money!
Damn that sux bro. I seen a couple of threads on it and a lot of people agree with you. Better luck next time.
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I tell people this all the time. But nobody believes me. There is not one study proving such products to be at all effective.
i am trying l-citrulline & it works.
more vascularity & more pumps=increased weight lifted -5%-.
of course nothing worth of a "6 pages ad report", but not bogus.
About "studies", i have been told i am misinformed recently because someone on another forum with 7000 posts claimed there is scientific evidence ecdysterone is anabolic.
If you really want to find a "scientific one liner" proving your point, you just have to try hard.
I bought a bottle of the expensive stuff from GNC and the only results I received were being $70.00 broker and farting all the time.
NO2 is a scam!!!
Could have researched this forum and found that out before you even spent money on it.....
i have a couple of friends on no2 and they think they see pumps but i dont realize anything different about them and they have been on it for about 2 weeks... not sure if its just in their head or not
Pure L-Citrulline

Citrulline is a non-essential amino acid which means that it is manufactured from other amino acids in the liver. It is involved in the synthesis of protein & the clearance of ammonia.

Recommended for urea cycle disorders.

Assists in promoting nitric oxide, by converting to Arginine, which is important is vascular health


Citrulline, which is considered a non-essential amino acid synthesized in the intestinal tract from Glutamine, converts to Arginine in the endothelial cells. This biochemical process involves L-Aspartate and the enzymes Argininosuccinate Synthetase and Argininosuccinate Lyase, in the presence of ATP. Arginine is important for Nitric Oxide production for cardiovascular health; however, most Arginine is utilized in the liver and kidneys, and only a fraction is available for this purpose. Since Citrulline is a precursor to Arginine, it allows for increased and sustained Nitric Oxide production in the endothelium for support of circulatory function. Oral Citrulline supplementation provides a readily available source of Citrulline for this purpose, and some recent research further indicates that Citrulline may be the preferred source of cellular Arginine. In addition Citrulline also increases energy, stimulates the immune system, and is essential for Urea Cycle function as well.


Nitric Oxide (NO), the endothelial relaxing factor (EDRF), is a small molecule made from Arginine. It plays an essential role in the regulation of vascular homeostasis, tone and blood pressure, modulates cardiac contractility, and helps in preventing vessel injury and Atherosclerosis. It is also an important free radical scavenger, preventing oxidative stress (free radical damage) which creates injury to endothelial cells. Citrulline converts to Arginine in the vascular cells, thus increasing Nitric Oxide production, which can help to restore endothelial cell function, and also helps keep coronary arteries open that supply blood to the heart. The role of Nitric Oxide and Arginine supplementation, as well as the role of Citrulline in endothelial function has been documented in medical studies.

Increasing NO by oral Arginine supplementation, has been shown to lower blood pressure, prevent platelet aggregation, increase the exercise capacity in those with stable angina and reduce angina pain in other patients, as well as increase blood flow responses in atherosclerotic subjects. Recent studies also suggest that damage from hypertension, high cholesterol and other coronary heart disease factors, impairs the ability of the endothelium to produce necessary Nitric Oxide.

When plaque builds up, the blood supply to the endothelial cells gets blocked, also preventing the production of Nitric Oxide. After many years of plaque accumulation, Atherosclerosis occurs. Research from major universities suggest that Arginine supplementation can begin to reverse this process by helping to restore endothelial cells that have been damaged, and increase their ability to make Nitric Oxide. Since most of Arginine is utilized in the liver and kidneys, Citrulline supplementation is beneficial in increasing the amount of Arginine that is available and can be utilized by the endothelial cells for increased Nitric Oxide production.

Even with those who have had impaired vasodilatation, Citrulline and Arginine supplementation has increased NO and helped to lower high blood pressure and reduce cholesterol and LDL levels, It also improved brachial artery FMV.

• Citrulline and Arginine supplementation can also prevent damage to endothelial cells in the arteries, veins and capillaries to insure a healthy circulatory system. Antioxidants play an important role in preventing free radical damage as well.


• The éndothelial cells are absolutely critical to healthy arterial/venal function. They surround the smooth muscle rings and expand the artery’s diameter, effecting the blood carrying capacity.

• They originate on the outside of the artery and weave through the walls

• These cells, like all human cells, require oxygen and nutrients, and Arginine is essential for their proper function.

• Endothelial cells make Nitric Oxide (NO) from Arginine, which is responsible for the endothelial relaxing factor (EDRF), and plays an essential role in the regulation of vascular homeostasis.

• Citrulline is important for increasing the Arginine available for Nitric Oxide production.


• A healthy diet, low salt intake, moderate exercise, reduction of weight in cases of obesity, and totally refraining from smoking assists in promoting good cardiovascular health.

• Three Citrulline to 1 Arginine is a suggested ratio; however this is not clearly defined, and the doctor may have to evaluate the patient’s needs and progress to assess the best modality for each individual.

• The ASI (Arterial Stiffness Index) is recommended to help evaluate cardiovascular risk. Monitoring blood and pulse pressure, brachial artery index, as well as other clinical observations can help assess the patient and note improvement.


• Fried, Robert, PhD., and Merrill, Woodson, M.D., The Arpinine Solution. 1999.

• Panza, Julio A, M.D., and Cannon Ill, Richard 0., M.D. edited by, Endothelium. Nitric Oxide, and Atherosclerosis. 1999.

• Kitbatake, A, M. D., Sakuma, I. , M.D. (Eds.), Recent Advances in Nitric Oxide Research, 1999.

• Xie, L, Gross SS, “Argininosuccinate Synthetase Overexpression in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Potentiates lmmunotstimulant_Induced NO Production”, J. 8101. Chem., June 1997.

• Cynober ,Luc A. edited by, Amino Acid Metabolism and TheraDv in Health and Nutritional Disease, 1995.

• Korbut,R., PhD.,Bieron, Krzysztof, Bieron, M.D., Gryglewski, M.D.,D.Sc., N.Copemicus Univ, School of Med,. “Eftect of L.’Arginine on Plasminogen-Activator Inhibitor in Hypertensive Patients with Hypercholesterolemia”, “New England J. of Med., Jan. 1993.

• Furchgott RF., “The Discovery of Endothelium-Derived Relaxing Factor and its Importance in the Identification of Nitric Oxide”, J. Am Med. Assoc. 1996.

• Chowienczyk, P.J., Watts, G.F., Cockcroft, J.R., Rifler, J.M., “Impaired Endothelium-Dependent Vasodilatation of Forearm Resistance Vessels in Hypercholesterolemia”, “The Lancer, 1992.

• Sacks, F., M.D, re: Reduction of Salt and Lowering Blood Pressure, N.E Joum. Med., Jan., 2001.

• Thorne, Mullen, Clarkson, et al. “Early End. Dysfunc. In Adults at Risk From Atheroscl. Duff. Resp. to Arg.”, J.Am. Cal. Card., 1998.

• Boulanger CM: “Secondary Endothelial Dysfunction, Hypertension and Heart Failure”, J. Mo!. Cell Cardiology., 1999.

• Vogel, R., M.D., Benitz, M., M.D., ““Noninvasive Assessment of Cardiovasculaar Risk: From Framingham to the Future”, Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, Summer 2000.

• Xie, Hattori, Tume, Gross, “The Preferred Source of Arginine for High Output NO Synthesis in Blood Vessels”, Seminars in Perinatology, Feb. 2000. Copyright 1/2001

Assists in promoting nitric oxide, by converting to Arginine, which is important is vascular health
I've been taking MRI's NO2 for a little over 3 weeks and I've gained about 10 pounds and all of my lifts have gone up a good amount. I've also been taking nitro tech with it also. In my opinion it works
I am taking NO produced by some factory. I feel pump in my upper chest and shoulder area. but no strength gain. but feel

keep training and pump up the,:D
I used the expensive shit from GNC and I saw no gains at all. Complete waste of $70. That could buy a good amount of test!