Noobie NEEDS HELP, please


New member
Hey, so im in need of ALOT of help, ive tried to search through previous posts and make sense of things but its been quite confusing for me. So here's the deal. Im 21 years old and in university, my buddy living in a different province came to visit and told me he is on sustanon250, he was 3 or 4 weeks in and has gained some good lean mass. he talked me into getting some off his other buddy and it is on its way to my place right now...
so he says just take 1cc of the sust250, twice a week then on the 4th week switch to 1.5cc twice a week and week 6 2cc twice a week for a 10 week cycle... and to be honest im pretty short on cash so i just planned on takin 1cc twice a week for 5 weeks then switchin to 1.5cc until the bottle was out then just stopping cold turkey and being done with it (i had nooo clue about anything steroid related) ...
im not worried about not gaining as much mass as possible, just looking to gain maybe 10-15lbs of lean mass in the 7-8 weeks i'd be taking the sust250... but as i got to reading i realized this is a terrible idea and id need some post cycle therapy as i dont want any side effect coming from this tiny "cycle" i want to try...

So the big question is... How bad of an idea is this? Do i need post cycle therapy (pct)? How should i go about the post cycle therapy (pct)?

i know im a noobie and you seasoned veterans are reading this thinking i have no place asking dumb questions like this so please no replys commenting on my stupidity... just help please. thanks!
Are you ready for AAS? How is your diet and training? Post up a typical day of your diet. And your stats too please.
honestly i dont know what an AAS is.. lol
my diet is not great at the moment, im planning on cleaning it up once i move back into my house, which is also when i would be starting the sust250. im planning on having it around 2800 cals. per day, high protein.

im 20 years old, 6'0, 190lbs and about 18-21%bf.
oh and im in university, and to be honest i will probably be drinking alcohol twice a week (mostly in the form of shots though)
Sorry but you're not ready for the Sustanon (sust). Just put it aside for now. Get your diet and training in check for at least a year first. If you can do that consistently you'll see some nice results without using AAS.

And AAS is anabolic steroids. Anabolic androgenic steroids to be exact. And if you don't know that which is alright.....we were all new definitely need to study steroids more.

Go hang out in the diet and training sections for awhile and learn some stuff!

I bet you can get a better body than your buddy just doing a proper diet and training program!
okay thanks for the help, i told him ive decided not to take it anymore and he agreed to buy it back from me so atleast i know it wasnt just for him to make some $ off me he really thought it would help haha.
thanks for the insight!
^^all correct.
but if your going to do, just stick with the 500 mg/wk, tapering down has really no purpose.
As for pct have clomid and tamox on hand. you may only need some tamox for pct but everyone is different. (tamox and clomid is a common pct for the cycle your talking) For me I've just used tamox and i've used nothing. dont recommend using nothing unless you know your body. For me i dont have a serious estrogen problem and seem to recover fairly well. Dht seems to be more my issue.

Since it would be your first time you really dont know how your body will react. you may have no problem with estrogen or you may grow some bitch tits.
just answering your questions. but theres so much to know man.. good luck and welcome.