Olympic Weightlifting Cycle


New member
Im 28, 6' 190lbs and I have been lifting weights regularly the last 8 years. Last year I got into crossfit. I left my crossfit gym to work with an Olympic lifting coach I befriended at my gym to increase my strength and improve my form so that I may go back to crossfit with less chance of injury and a better ability to compete. I have wanted to do steroids for some time now but haven't found any yet.

I have read many of the beginner articles on doing a first cycle which I believe sounds good with the 250 mg of Test Enth twice a week for 12 weeks with clomid during the pct for 4 weeks. Im wondering if this basic cycle sounds good to most for increasing strength and power? I am not as worried about my physique as much as I am my strength gains. I have a solid diet and training regiment.

Also will I need to increase my calories when I begin to help with the strength gains or will I be fine since Im not trying to bulk necessarily (although I don't mind any weight gain)? Like I said, I haven't even found a supplier yet but am curious to hear peoples thoughts about what may work best for my goals and if the basic beginner cycles I have read about would be sufficient.. Thanks for any info
If your are looking to run a cycle for strength..it would be important to know if you are looking to peak for a certain event or competition. I dont really see a point in running a cycle for strength if you are just going to lose the gained strength during and after pct.
So I'll lose mostly all of my strength gains after, even if I do a proper pct? And yes it is for a competition. It is a crossfit competition though and Im currently just looking to increase my main lifts as much as possible before I start back in the conditioning part of the training.
Yes you will lose almost all of your strength after pct. You will bever be as strong as you are on while on aas lol. It also depends on diet/training afterwards. Wait to start the cycle so you peak with the event date.