Omnadren 250 questions on PCT and looking for advice on my cycle


New member
Hello, I am in my 3rd week of my omnadren 250 cycle and am wondering how I should PCT.
I have done plenty of research and started my cycle like this...

Omnadren 250 cycle
500 a week (2 amples)
for a duration of 8 weeks

research indicated that because I am a begginer, this would be a suffecient cycle to start with. I am pinning it in my outer thigh due to the severve pain associated with pinning it in my glute. (the best decison i ever made)
Im just wondering now how i should PCT
clomid and nova combined look like the best option due to research. please help me out! any and all advice will be noted!!

21 male
166 lbs
What is that stuff? is it test prop? or why would you only go 8 weeks? honestly you are too young to start a cycle.. but since you already started then i would suggest a clomid/nolva PCT
I don't mean to give you shit but you really should have waited to start because you can grow so easily naturally at that age. Also at only 166 lbs thats pretty damn light
Description: Omnadren 250 is an oil-based injectable containing a blend of four different testosterone esters: Testosterone propionate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate and caproate. Being a four-component testosterone, Omnadren is most commonly compared to Sustanon.

I know that I am borderline too young considering natural test levels don't fall until 23 at the earliest. I've had the stuff for a year before I even started but plateaued at 160. 8 weeks is the minimum begginer cycle that I researched. I would have liked to do 10 but did not have enough gear. I know that I'm young and probably should have waited but it's a risk I'm willing to take due to the frustrations I encountered with the difficulty to gain weight and muscle mass. Now, what dosages do you suggest of the PCT?
You need to learn how to eat properly. Diet is everything. Plateaued at 160lbs??? that's laughable... your clearly not eating anywhere near enough. Hit the diet section and learn how to calculate your TDEE and start counting your calories. You WILL lose all your gains when you finish this cycle if you don't learn how to eat, making the whole thing risky AND pointless.

Your basically running Sustanon. Should have run it a for 10-12weeks IMO but too late now anyway. PCT should be this:
Nolva: 40/20/20/20
Clomid 100/50/50/50

Good luck with your PCT.... and good luck keeping whatever gains you made :) seriously hit that diet section - it'll do more for you than any cycle will at this stage.
How are you getting along? Make sure you eat a shitload.. also sust for a first cycle can be pretty tricky.
Do you know if your gear is legit?
I weighed 159 and got to 166 currently with a new meal plan, and the gear. I've had an abnormally fast metabolism my entire life and was even on prescripts for it when I was a kid. The reason why I plateaued so quick. I would have liked a 10 week cycle but like I said I simply didn't have enough. I eat until I'm sick every 2-3 hours. At the moment everything is going great! Seeing gains and no signs of sides. I really appreciate the help and anymore will be greatly appreciated! Also ar-r a reputable source for the pct? I almost forgot, yes the gear is legit as far as all research I made.
Omnas..a ton of fakers out there bro. You really should focus on a single estered test if you cycle again. You should also wait a few more years cuz at 166 you got plenty of natural growing left in ya. Def try single ester test next time though bro.
I weighed 159 and got to 166 currently with a new meal plan, and the gear. I've had an abnormally fast metabolism my entire life and was even on prescripts for it when I was a kid. The reason why I plateaued so quick. I would have liked a 10 week cycle but like I said I simply didn't have enough. I eat until I'm sick every 2-3 hours. At the moment everything is going great! Seeing gains and no signs of sides. I really appreciate the help and anymore will be greatly appreciated! Also ar-r a reputable source for the pct? I almost forgot, yes the gear is legit as far as all research I made.

What medications were you prescribed?
If your trying to say you are hyperthyroidic, it doesn't matter. You just have to eat even more, you can still gain weight. Try eating higher calorie foods.

Are you using an AI?

You should already have your PCT... Click on the banner at the op of the page, RUI will sell everything you need for PCT.
Princedianabol- I have no idea, I quit taking them at about 13 because of side effects. But, no I'm not using an AI I'm assuming you suggest using one. What do you suggest and is the banner at the top of the page a good source for it?

What units are you referring to? Like I said I'm completely new to this.
I found "liquid clomi" but what is the nolvadex called on rui?
Jesus. You should really have done your research before starting man. This isn't the time to be figuring it out.

Nonetheless, yes i suggest you use an AI throughout your cycle otherwise your estrogen levels will likely be through the roof. RUI also sells liquid arimidex, which is an AI so get your hands on some of that asap. You could run that at 0.25mg every second day, and see how you go. You may need more or less just judge by typical estrogen symptoms since I guess you won't be getting bloodwork done.

Nolvadex is also called Tamoxifen. Thats probably whats it called on RUIs website.
Liquid clomi is clomid.

By those units i mean take nolvadex/tamoxifen at 40mg every day for the first week, then 20mg every day for the next three weeks. E.g 40/20/20/20

And clomid take 100mg every day for the first week, then 50mg everyday for the next three weeks. 100/50/50/50.
Apparently I missed a lot going through research.... But anyway, I'm already here and I really needed your advice. I'm probably an idiot thinking I caught everything from going through the forums and everything else online. I really appreciate you helping me out princedianabol!
Apparently I missed a lot going through research.... But anyway, I'm already here and I really needed your advice. I'm probably an idiot thinking I caught everything from going through the forums and everything else online. I really appreciate you helping me out princedianabol!

All good brother. I fucked up myself on my first cycle because I hadn't done any research and didn't know any better, I'd hate to see that happen to anyone else. If you plan to keep cycling I'd suggest sticking around here and reading as much as you can. A bit of extra knowledge makes the world of difference to your health.

If you need help with anything else, don't hesitate to ask... Cycle safely :)