On cycle and PCT questions!!!!

Fitness Brah

New member
On Cycle and PCT Questions for Test and Tren
250 mg Test E twice a week
100 mg Tren E twice a week

What should I be taking along with this cycle to prevent sides. Also what is a good PCT?

I have Arimidex on deck for estrogen sides

Planned to add Caber for progesterone sides

Thinking HCG and Clomid for PCT, need dosing and over all suggestions for cycle.M
MD's I know say dostinex is not needed when running a 19 nor. I would think that an AI would be all you need. If you have existing gyno use a serm like nolvadex on cycle.
why only 350 mg of Test per week, where did you get this info on first cycles?
STATS-weight, age, bf%, cycle history etc.?
Age 30
5'11 214 Ibs
500mg Test a week not 350
200mg Tren a week

Dosing Sunday and Wednesday- Monday and Thursday.

Have done test cycle before with no knowledge or pct.

This will be third cycle

I have arimdex and I'm taking .5 mg EOD
Just curious why you are injecting 4 times per week. The half life of the Enanthate ester is about 11 days. You could inject all in the same day and still be fine.