On cycle bloodwork - Up AI? (Test is legit!)


New member
So two weeks into my test prop 100mg EOD i have had my blood results back as follows:-

17-Beta OESTRADIOL 113 pmol/L 99 - 192
TESTOSTERONE * >52.0 nmol/L 7.6 - 31.4

Looks like my unigen test is legit which is nice to know!

Question is, should I up my AI dosage? Currently on 12.5mg ed of aromasin.??Only sides iv noted are, slightly puffy nips (but had that pre TRT and it went away on TRT) and sore knees (but doing quite a bit of cardio and squatting heavy so could be irrelevant)??Do seem to be holding more water weight...??


Iv got some arimidex too, could i use that with the aromasin instead of upping aromasin dosage? or best to increase aromasin?
That looks pretty good to me based on the ref range you shared. Really good in fact.

thanks yeh seems good to me, i usually sit at 86 on trt with no AI so the 12.5mg is doing the trick it seems!

Only thing is holding water on the midsection, i get this on trt too when I'm lean enough to tell the difference between water and fat haha!

Is this something I'm stuck with for life? unless crushing oestrogen i guess ill always hold some water from the artificial test? even tho on trt its within normal ranges
thanks yeh seems good to me, i usually sit at 86 on trt with no AI so the 12.5mg is doing the trick it seems!

Only thing is holding water on the midsection, i get this on trt too when I'm lean enough to tell the difference between water and fat haha!

Is this something I'm stuck with for life? unless crushing oestrogen i guess ill always hold some water from the artificial test? even tho on trt its within normal ranges

At that point, it's more about diet than estradiol imo. As you lean out even more, the effect of water retention will be less pronounced - but still noticeable. Cutting sodium and carbs will help, but only if truly concerned.
At that point, it's more about diet than estradiol imo. As you lean out even more, the effect of water retention will be less pronounced - but still noticeable. Cutting sodium and carbs will help, but only if truly concerned.

Yeh pic attatched is me currently, I'm lean enough to notice because some days its a lot worse and in the mornings its almost all gone and very tight feeling.

Iv been carb cycling and haven't noticed much of a difference on my no carb days tbh, I'm wondering now I'm reverse dieting if increase carbs more evenly through the days will help?

my sodium is always about the same (and low) so i don't think i notice much of an effect sodium wise...

it feels like stretchy skin its rather odd haha

its only annoying because now I'm reverse dieting, sometimes if the retention gets noticeable i start to regret stopping my cut and think i didn't go long enough. But my TSH is pretty suppressed (6.0) on last trt checkup before this cycle so i think my body needs a break from cutting regardless...