Once a Week Vs Twice a Week


New member
If I dosed 500mg per week, would I gain more muscle and strength injecting the entire 500mg once a week? Or would injecting 250mg twice a week yield better gains?
Oh dear. That's a topic of debate right now actually. Short answer: I don't know anymore.

Apparently, 500mg E7D will have a higher concentration in your blood longer, which could give you better gains, BUT you will experience more side effects as your estradiol will also spike. A week ago I would have told you that it won't make a difference and to go with E3.5D as it keeps E2 down and allows you to manage it easier, but now I'm not so sure.

I suppose it comes down to how E2 sensitive are you? If you have had gyno or severe acne, I'd probably opt for E3.5D; if you didn't have acne as a teen and not gyno prone, I'd try out E7D. I'd love to see more experiences with a longer duration between injections as we're so used to just telling folks E3.5D.

My .02c :)
Oh dear. That's a topic of debate right now actually. Short answer: I don't know anymore.

Apparently, 500mg E7D will have a higher concentration in your blood longer, which could give you better gains, BUT you will experience more side effects as your estradiol will also spike. A week ago I would have told you that it won't make a difference and to go with E3.5D as it keeps E2 down and allows you to manage it easier, but now I'm not so sure.

I suppose it comes down to how E2 sensitive are you? If you have had gyno or severe acne, I'd probably opt for E3.5D; if you didn't have acne as a teen and not gyno prone, I'd try out E7D. I'd love to see more experiences with a longer duration between injections as we're so used to just telling folks E3.5D.

My .02c :)

Higher concentration or more balanced? That is the question. You could even debate a 1000mg shot every 2 weeks. Or a 750 every 1.5 weeks.

You just got on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) this summer and it seems like you have a long way to go in getting your protocol dialed in. I wouldn't recommend a Blast until you do get your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) all sorted out.
Heres my 0.2cc haha.. Normally eith long esters i do 2x a week.. but since i did 6months already with short esters.. And was injecting every day.. And take no breaks from any aas.. Im.doing cyp n test e.. For the last 4.5 weeks coming off a long tren,prop,mastp cycle i decieded to now only do the test e n cyp every wed for.the last month.. And ill tell u what i gained 12lbs doing so obviously my dosages are 1.5g so yes anyone can gain that but i havnt got bad sides.. Just yet.. But then again i cycle alot.. And needed to give all my injection dites a break.. But it depends on the person and how the body reacts as well as what is more convinience to you..
Higher concentration or more balanced? That is the question. You could even debate a 1000mg shot every 2 weeks. Or a 750 every 1.5 weeks.
I wasn't aware you just got on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) as Megatron pointed out, so I think he has the best advice fitting your question, but I can tell you without even cracking open Excel that E14D is bad juju.
Im not going to take 500mg. I just posted that to find out which method would create bigger gains. If I posted small amounts I figured I would get the "that's not enough juice to matter response"