Suareezay said:and these opinions are based on....?
thats fine, but this guys criteria for selecting a protein was which is best for "gaining muscle mass", not how versatile or great tasting the protein is. His question is basically unanswerable, because one brand isnt going to build muscle any faster or any better than another brand (assuming we're dealing with reputable companies). Its like asking "which is better NO-Xplod or CELL-mass?", or "will Quaker oats provide me with a better supply of energy than Harris Teeters generic oats?".Winterlong said:The only reason I like Optimum Nutrition is because its less in fats and carbs. You can add fats/carbs in if you want if you get optimum nutrition by adding olive oil and oats. I just find it more diverse and that you can do more things to it and not be stuck with a slower digesting protein all the time.
peabody88 said:I've looked around here for a while and also did some reasearch on my own... but in your opinion which is the better protein for gaining muscle mass?
Mine is based on taste. I prefer Muscle Milk, but as you say, as long as it is quality protein it shouldn't matter what brand you use (although some brands are no trustworthy in my opinion).