PCT Discussion/help for 20 week cycle


New member

So I started out my cycle with 400mg/test-e for 16 weeks. It took about 3-4 weeks for my test-e to kick in so I decided I would experiment and try a 20 week cycle; since it almost felt like I lost 3 weeks. I did 16 weeks on test-e and then switched to test prop for my last 4 weeks. I also implemented some Winstrol for the last 5 weeks of my cycle to see what it does. I only have three weeks left to my cycle.

Considering I am still pretty young, I realize now that 20 weeks was not the smarted move I made and should just have stayed on a 12-14 week cycle. So I was wondering if you guys could tell me if my PCT would be fine or do I need anything more, just to make sure I get my natural test back and don't end up on TRT.

I am planning to begin my PCT 3 days after the last pin, since it's test prop, for a duration of 4 weeks.

Week 1: 120mg=2ml-ED
Week 2: 90mg=1.5ml-ED
Week 3: 60mg=1.0ml-ED
Week 4: 30mg=0.5ml-ED

0.25mg-ED (Only if Needed)

Test Booster:
DAA 3g ED-28 days

That's what I have with me. Now my only question is, should I be implementing HCG? I have read a lot on the matter. A lot of people say HCG is not to be used for PCT, some say you should run it through the whole cycle, some say only to use it a few weeks before PCT. My plan was, if I do implement HCG it would be at it would be 10 days prior to PCT at 500iu ED for 10 days.

I would highly appreciate not getting trashed, or lectured on how I am too young and 20 weeks is too long. I know it is and it was not the smartest move, I am aware. I am here to seek help, so all help would be appreciated.
There is information in the following thread about PCT. And how to use hCG during your cycle to improve your recovery.

Why didn't you plan out your PCT before you started your cycle?

Age? Height? Weight? Body fat %?
I think that a test only cycle for that long is not the best idea. Why not run at 500-600 mg for a shorter amount of time? I say just pin 250mg e3d and run it at 14 weeks tops. What is your previous cycle history?
I know there is some information about HCG but a lot of it is confusing which is why I wanted more information. Also I did plan my PCT, What I have provided above is my PCT.I can get HCG at anytime, which is why I wasn't to worried. As for age, I am 21, 5'6,172lbs at probably 8-9% body fat.
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Hcg should have been ran the duration of your cycle to keep your "brain to balls" ** connection communicating and active during the time you were shut down, which would have made recovery easier.
Keeping your balls healthy while on cycle with hcg is a good thing,, at this point in your cycle you might as well just do a standard pct and not worry about it.

** sometimes this communication is reversed, and your balls will actually tell your brain what to do. This can get you in trouble if your not careful.

Hcg may help with this as well ;) kidding
Your pretty much too late for hcg bud. Should've started at the beginning of your cycle. Just use the toremiphene in pct. Test boosters are complete shit and do absolutely nothing but cost you money...