Hello everyone, so after training hard for about 5yrs I had decided to venture into the world of AAS. I was planning on doing a 12 week cycle of Test E 500/week as well as kick starting this with 2 caps per day of Super DMZ 3.0. Yesterday was day 6 of the cycle and I became very nauseous and was throwing up all night, probably due to the toxicity of SDMZ. I was running cycle support, 1 G Tudca per day, Arimidex .25 EOD and was going to use clomid and nolva for pct. I have decided to quit the cycle after day 6 and to stay natural. I am 23 years old and am 5'10 200 at 10%. My question is do I need to pct two weeks after my last test injection or should I be ok to recover naturally due to the short duration of the cycle. I prefer to do no pct. Thanks!