PCT timing question, advices?


I am banned!
Ok, ran a 15 week cycle, last shots were:
800 mg deca 4 weeks ago
200 mg test 16 days ago
50 mg prop 4 days ago

I ran hcg throughout cycle.

My plan is 3-500 IU hcg EOD for a week with .5 arimidex
After that, then start 50 clomid twice a day for 4 weeks as well as nolva 20 twice a day for 6 weeks
Thoughts? ( it's all I have I cannot get aromisin...trying to make it work with what I have).
I read to stop the hcg before pct
Or should I just start clomid and nolva now?
Should've used hcg during your cycle. Why is everyone posting about using an ai in pct? I see lots of these posts. Just serms in pct...
its fine. I would after 2 weeks reduce the clomid and run it a little longer. 6 weeks along side Nolva. .25 adex is probably find too

Some say no HCG in PCT but sometimes i do.
Why is everyone posting about using an ai in pct? I see lots of these posts. Just serms in pct...

Probably because of the use of the HCG in pct . HCG increases estrogen (indirectly) , and if your blasting HCG with no AI , then you estrogen will be elevated, and your natty production will not want to get going again with high estrogen levels (body will sense the estrogen is high and not want to produce more testosterone to amortize into even more e).

thats just my thought. i don't do PCT, so I don't know based on any real experience (other then I do know that when I run HCG on trt that my estrogen goes up)