Ok, ran a 15 week cycle, last shots were:
800 mg deca 4 weeks ago
200 mg test 16 days ago
50 mg prop 4 days ago
I ran hcg throughout cycle.
My plan is 3-500 IU hcg EOD for a week with .5 arimidex
After that, then start 50 clomid twice a day for 4 weeks as well as nolva 20 twice a day for 6 weeks
Thoughts? ( it's all I have I cannot get aromisin...trying to make it work with what I have).
I read to stop the hcg before pct
Or should I just start clomid and nolva now?
800 mg deca 4 weeks ago
200 mg test 16 days ago
50 mg prop 4 days ago
I ran hcg throughout cycle.
My plan is 3-500 IU hcg EOD for a week with .5 arimidex
After that, then start 50 clomid twice a day for 4 weeks as well as nolva 20 twice a day for 6 weeks
Thoughts? ( it's all I have I cannot get aromisin...trying to make it work with what I have).
I read to stop the hcg before pct
Or should I just start clomid and nolva now?