
Forma Stanz is an excellent post cycle therapy (pct) addition to almost any cycle.
Also consider N2Guard, HCGenerate, Forged Post Cycle Therapy, and Unleashed/Post Cycle combo pak. All of gr8ly help any post cycle therapy (pct) from my own experience.
I love this site and it has gr8 peeps and gr8 advice but I do fee that most of the post cycle therapy (pct) info is outdated.
Best regards and good luck.
no way man. I hope you havent started yet. Even for a ph/ds they would be questionable. first of all your in the wrong forum..should be in the aas section. what dosage are you running of test cyp?

thanx bro. do you think these would good pct's for a injectable cycle of 10 weeks on test cyp?
no man havent started yet. doing research and looking into different options right now. I started the thread in the prohormone section because i found those pct's on a site that sells pro hormones. My test cycle would be 500 mg a week @ 250 being injected twice a week
no man havent started yet. doing research and looking into different options right now. I started the thread in the prohormone section because i found those pct's on a site that sells pro hormones. My test cycle would be 500 mg a week @ 250 being injected twice a week

your going to need to run a serm with that for sure. look into nolva, clomid, and torem. Each person has different experiences with them and prefer them differently so choose want that you believe will best suit you. Your also going to want to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with your cycle till about your 2nd week in post cycle therapy (pct). also have aromastin too to prevent estrogen sides. check out det-oak's pct sticky in the aas forum. will clarify any questions you have.
no man havent started yet. doing research and looking into different options right now. I started the thread in the prohormone section because i found those pct's on a site that sells pro hormones. My test cycle would be 500 mg a week @ 250 being injected twice a week

Those products that were listed (Forma, N2Guard, Post Cycle, ETC) are great products to add to a PCT.

But for a full out injectable cycle, you will need a SERM. I always say Clomid, but you could do Clomid or Nolva, or both(not usually necessary).

Also Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will help with testicular attrition while your on, and depending on how your body reacts to Test you may want to have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand(Letro, Adex) just in case you get Estrogen sides.

What all have you planned out so far?
i planned on having an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand like aromas...and then taking novla for post cycle therapy (pct) people have suggested take torem instead of novla