
New member
I weigh 90 - 95kgs, workout 4 times a week and workout hard. No cardio, maybe 10mins jog before weights 2 times a week..
5 foot 10 inches with 25% bf.


GHRP 6 100mcg/CJC 1295 DAC 50mcg
IGF-1 LR3 20mcg or 40mcg**
IGF-1 DES 20 mcg or 40mcg**
HGH 176-191 50mcg

All mixed with Acetic Acid 0.6%
All in the one shot.

Post workout with a 29 gauge insulin syringe...

All SubQ injections in my stomach.

I'll be running a course of Sus 250 for 7 weeks then two weeks of Trenebol after the sus runs out to trim up. AAS injections will all be IM.

Please give advice on Both peptides and AAS.

I wanna trim up alot of body fat, and gain hard muscle.

I already have everything purchased sitting there waiting to be used. Just need advice.
I would not inject the peptides all at once.. there are very specific times to administer in order to get the most out of each.

Des, inject 50mcg's about 15 minutes Pre workout. Injection should be split Bilaterally.

Post workout, wait 15-20 minutes... then administer your Ghrp6/CJC combo. I would recommend a 100mcg's of each.

Wait 15-20 minutes and administer your HGH frag
Wait 15-20 minutes and administer your IFG LR3 - 50mcg's

You may want to also look in to and consider using Peg MGF on your off days. 300-400mcg's split bi laterally early AM.

IGF is the only Pep that needs to be recon'd with AA. The rest are good with BAC water.
IGF Des Should be pinned IM not subq. The rest of the peps are good subq.