PH Cycle let me know what you think


New member
AMS pro anabolic kit, AMS anabolic growth kit, and halo extreme

4ad- 4ml/4ml
halo extreme-(2 caps per day) 4wks
1 andro-2ml/2ml/2ml/2ml


Titanium XL
Torem(dosage plz)
Aromx(from ams pro anabolic kit)
AMS pro anabolic kit, AMS anabolic growth kit, and halo extreme

4ad- 4ml/4ml
halo extreme-(2 caps per day) 4wks
1 andro-2ml/2ml/2ml/2ml


Titanium XL
Torem(dosage plz)
Aromx(from ams pro anabolic kit)

Honestly you will be in very bad shape (health wise) if you went through with this. Body building is a lifestyle not a race slow down buddy,.
Honestly you will be in very bad shape (health wise) if you went through with this. Body building is a lifestyle not a race slow down buddy,.

yah i mena homany liver toxic orals is that? 5?

1 oral and a TEST BASE.
I was going to post only about the needed a test base, but there is more issues here than just that.

most orals are liver toxic you know that right?

I rec this for first cycole so yoru dont piss your money AND health away:

teste 400-500mg ew for 12 to 14 weeks
*AI on hand (I rec STANE)
*PCT on hand ( i rec Clomi)


MAYBE JUST MAYBE 1 oral for the first 4-8 weeks.
thanks for reply guys, i really appreciate it.... i wasnt sure if this would work and i was not getting responses on other forums, now that i am aware of the potential health risks im just going to finish the pro anabolic stack which is the decavol/ad 4ml. for two weeks and use the aromx that came with kit....just so you guys know you most likely have saved someones liver haha, i thought since the compunds werent mthylated it would not be so harsh on my organs...... i have toremifene on deck i wanted to know why alot of people choose clomid or nolva instead of fares for pct??
thanks for reply guys, i really appreciate it.... i wasnt sure if this would work and i was not getting responses on other forums, now that i am aware of the potential health risks im just going to finish the pro anabolic stack which is the decavol/ad 4ml. for two weeks and use the aromx that came with kit....just so you guys know you most likely have saved someones liver haha, i thought since the compunds werent mthylated it would not be so harsh on my organs...... i have toremifene on deck i wanted to know why alot of people choose clomid or nolva instead of fares for pct??
Some may be some may not but somethign to always remember is just because its OTC (legal and easy to get) doesnt mean its safe. or safe to be used wiothout knowing how to.

I think you are stacking a bit much even if it where not toxic at all. seems like alot anyway.
I highyl rec the simple cycle above with maybe one of those oral cycle kits you have.
just my op.
apetrills, im aware its a lifestyle i started working out at 100lbs im now 190 10% bf in 4 years i know i should have seen better gains but i didnt diet crazy like i do now for 2 of those years... im new to PH and anabolics, please excuse my lack of knowledge im on the forum to learn and i am happy to soak up any knowledge you guys have to offer, once again thanks for the replies and the saving of my organs...... sorry if post sounds rude its not intended to be whatsoever
thank you porkchop, you def seem to know alot more about this then i do....ill c if i can get my hand on some teste.... by Aromatase inhibitor (AI) stane what do you mean? formestane???
thanks for reply guys, i really appreciate it.... i wasnt sure if this would work and i was not getting responses on other forums, now that i am aware of the potential health risks im just going to finish the pro anabolic stack which is the decavol/ad 4ml. for two weeks and use the aromx that came with kit....just so you guys know you most likely have saved someones liver haha, i thought since the compunds werent mthylated it would not be so harsh on my organs...... i have toremifene on deck i wanted to know why alot of people choose clomid or nolva instead of fares for post cycle therapy (pct)??
Not sure, maybe its newer but all of those will help with post cycle therapy (pct) (no I would NOT rec taking all threee I think its a bit much) The torem should be fine you could add a some clomid if you wanted to but I dont think you will need a big post cycle therapy (pct) with thsi cycle. if you where using something like a long cycle of deca and test then i might rec a torem or nolva with clomi again you see alot on this because alot is just opinion.
take one of them for 2-5 weeks depending on cycle and your good. I am swaying more to the torem over nolva and clomid over nolva myself.
apetrills, im aware its a lifestyle i started working out at 100lbs im now 190 10% bf in 4 years i know i should have seen better gains but i didnt diet crazy like i do now for 2 of those years... im new to PH and anabolics, please excuse my lack of knowledge im on the forum to learn and i am happy to soak up any knowledge you guys have to offer, once again thanks for the replies and the saving of my organs...... sorry if post sounds rude its not intended to be whatsoever
90 lb gained natty is a GREAT GREAT FEAT! GOOD JOB MAN!!!
Welcome to the forum man!

I hope you can learn what you need to here.
thanks man if i need anything ill def pm you.. im going to talk to my friend he does competitions( not natural of course lol) so he can prob give me some good advice but i will run it by you first because he uses tren without a pct and told me var and Winstrol (winny) doesnt require pct
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