Please help critique diet for girlfriend


What the Duece.... ?!?!
Ok my girlfriend is really wanting to loose what little bit of what she thinks is hideous fat around her hips. (it's really not). Any way I have been trying to write her a diet. I need help. I have something written up now, but doent know if it is to extreme for what she really is trying to do. Any suggestions are appreciated as I am no nutritionist, but I know How my body works and how to diet for myself, but not for a woman.

My reasoning here was based on a diet I did a few years ago and had GREAT results. I figured if she dieted like this for a month, she will shed almost all of what little fat she does have (or think she has, lol) then after that point start eating clean, but not so much of the "dieting" term attached to it to help her maintain and keep leaned out and maybe start building solid muscle.

She odly enough wants to weigh 110-115lbs lean. I advised her to just bulk up first then cut back, but that wasnt the right way to do it in her eyes (imagine that).


33 years old

Supplements: Multi-vitamins
Lipo 6 hers

Walks quite a bit at work,
Trains with me 4 times a week including cardio.

Meal 1: 2 egg whites
1/2 cup oatmeal

10am : 1/2 of a shake (Values for whole)

-1/2 cup oatmeal
-1 cup or so 2% milk
-1 scoop protein powder
-1/2 banana
-3 Strawberries

Lunch: 5oz canned chicken
(1pm) 2 cups broccolie

3pm: other 1/2 shake

Pre workout: some fruit

Post Workout: 1 scoop protein w/ water
1/2 cup pineapple(fast carb)

Dinner: 5 oz canned chicken
2 cup broccoli

Training Day NonTraining

Cals: 1325 1155
Fat: 26g 26g
Carbs: 126g 110g
Protien: 163g 139g

The values vary a little, as this is just rough and there are other veggies/ sources of protein I have for her.
Is this to extreme for her and her goals? Is the calories to low, and if so, what should I do to bring them up? Do so with more clean carbs or more protein? if she simply adds some walnuts and almonds through the day will that be enough?

Thanks for any input :)
I really want to help her, and really dont want to hurt her by starving her.

Miss Muscle???????
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I'm going to bump this for you as well...

I'm curious what kinda frame/muscle mass she has on her if she's 5'6" and only 108lbs.
I'm going to bump this for you as well...

I'm curious what kinda frame/muscle mass she has on her if she's 5'6" and only 108lbs.

She is just petite. only been training with me for the last year or so. She really has nothing wrong with her as I think she looks great, but you know how some women are. Always concerned with certain parts of them they hate and think are disgusting... ect...

I told her the fastest way to get rid of it was diet hard for a month or so and drink ALOT of water everyday. Then concentrate on eating clean and appropriately to gain lean muscle.
i think that is the most difficult part when it comes to helping a close female friend/girlfriend with training...the diet and putting things into lamens terms that they cant get away with eating what they want and expect to look the way they want. i am in the same boat with my girlfriend...slim, petite, athletic, but her diet is for shit and she has that 'little extra 5lbs' she wants to shed, but it wont move cause of her diet. if you are straight forward with her and tell her simply its cause you eat this and that; they'll take it as you calling them fat! dont do that! theyre all bat-shit crazy when it comes to this.

try cooking for her more often... allow her as limited options to eat shitty on her own as you can. the more you supply her with quality, healthy foods, the less she'll be wanting to eat what is more than likely causing her to hold that last little bit.

telling her to 'go on a diet' is not a wise decision, as that may open some doorways to eating problems and self image issues down the line. slowly altering her diet into a healthy lifestyle is the way to go.
in all honesty, her diet looks pretty good, if anything, i would try to cut out some of that fruit and milk and replace it with the same value in complex carbs. i feel her issue lies in either cheating on her diet and more likely, a lack of cardio/intensity. she might also want to consider a carb rotation. does she drink alcohol? and also, if you diet with her, it makes it more of a couples thing. me and my gf diet together and it makes it way easier on both of us. shes been a figure competitor for 5 yrs so she used to it. of course, im just a badass so im used to it. surely we can help your gf.
Damn bro, 108lb at 5'6" is already really small. I doubt she has anything to lose... but, the diet you drew up is good. Pretty basic and probably fine for her. The only other thing I'd recommend is maybe look into having her run a CKD (Cylical Keto Diet). The high (good) fats on certain days will help her keep her lean muscle but will also teach her body to burn fat, so she should burn any "excess" fat she has while on it. Their are also cheat/carb up days built in so you refeed with high carbs to restore liver glycogen over a 1-2 day period.. Might want to read up on it. Good diet for the casual person.
Defin. Bump!!! Taz, seems if she loses anymore weight shes gonna disappear. U know women and the whole Im fat bullshit it will drive u INSANE!!!!!!!!!!
if she wants to get leaner than 108, let her. but if she tries to maintain at lower than that, she wont find much joy in living.
in all honesty, her diet looks pretty good, if anything, i would try to cut out some of that fruit and milk and replace it with the same value in complex carbs. i feel her issue lies in either cheating on her diet and more likely, a lack of cardio/intensity.

Sorry after I posted this, I got really busy with work and was just exhausted and never got on the computer.

Any way I was giving her the fruits and thigs to add a little sweet flavor to her day, because she is having a really hard time with the bland shit everyday and then REALLY wants to cheat. Plus she really only eats an extra portion of fruits before a work out.
Damn bro, 108lb at 5'6" is already really small. I doubt she has anything to lose... but, the diet you drew up is good. Pretty basic and probably fine for her. The only other thing I'd recommend is maybe look into having her run a CKD (Cylical Keto Diet). The high (good) fats on certain days will help her keep her lean muscle but will also teach her body to burn fat, so she should burn any "excess" fat she has while on it. Their are also cheat/carb up days built in so you refeed with high carbs to restore liver glycogen over a 1-2 day period.. Might want to read up on it. Good diet for the casual person.

I do have a form of extra carb days, but it is only slightly higher and it is only the 4 days a week she trains. This really is her first time wanting to "diet" so I went basic with a higher protein diet as a start. I say high protein, really I mean a higher percentage of calories coming from protein then carbs and fats while still on a lower calorie diet.

She really is making gains. She isnt as much seeing the scale move, but I can really tell by looking at her that she is gaining muscle. She just doesnt understand at one point scale stops going down and it goes up from muscle gain, lol.
Like I said before she already looks great to me, but I have been making her squat and do lunges for the last year and she is finally getting that Butt she wanted, lol. =)
Like I said before she already looks great to me, but I have been making her squat and do lunges for the last year and she is finally getting that Butt she wanted, lol. =)

please post pic's of said girlfriend so we can evaluate

Bout the only one she will let me post, lol
tell her she is in great shape and shower her with kindness. she doesnt need to bother herself with losing weight.
Oh cool you posted a pic! :) Ya, gotta agree w/dtone. Dude, she's perfect! Just from what I can see, i wouldn't change a thing BUT staying in good shape, working out, and eating right will always net positive results so she should keep that up. :)
exactly, but she is hell bent on loosing a "muffin top" and wanted me to write her a diet up so it did.....

I tell her all the time she is gorgeous :) She doesn't think so however :(

At least she is eating good, or at least ALOT better than she used to and I can tell she is changing. All her old shorts and jeans dont fit anymore because she is finally eating and building some muscle in her legs.

Thank you for the complements guys, she appreciated them
Ok so she has a muffing top that is hidden by the girdle in the pic I assume. First off its great to see her in the gym lifting weights. Lets see If I can provide some assistance.

You got a pm!