Please help me for three point


New member
Hello friend, I wanted to ask three aids to you:


I have diluted 1 gr of oxandrolone with 5ml of benzilic alcohol and 10mL of benzilic benzene, the oxandrolone has been melted of all, but after that I have joined the oil in order to realize mine injectable oxandrolone from 20mg/mL, after approximately an hour he has begun has to deposit itself, to the beginning has gone perfectly in solution after has been begun to deposit itself, you know to me to explain why. I have store clerk some error?


After that I have melted the cialis in peg400, when I put it in water it returns in powder and it remains to float on the water, instead if I melt it in benzilic alcohol and then I add of the water they form two separate solutions like the water with the oil, what I must make?


I have 1 gr of clembuterolo hci, I would want to dilute it with distilled water in order to make mine injectable, task that in order to make 100mcg/mL I must use 5 liters of water. I would want to know if it is melted easy in water or must use a dissolvent before?
do not inject clen.
do not even play with clen powder unless you know exactly what your doing. the difference between a nice dose and a HARSH dose is on the order of mcg' can breathe the stuff in and get too much.

why are you using water for everything?
word of advice, not to flame or anything, but you dont sound like you know what you are doing. dont take it as a flame, most average people wouldnt know either, but since you dont know what you are doing and taking DougoeFre5h's statement in consideration (i hope you did) you should not do this expirement of yours.

you do realize with your anavar expirement, you have 30% solvent, 10% being BA alone? Thats a bit much bro. i would suggest making a suspension and forget the solution attempt and just shake it before use, and once again, i am unsure if you sterilized everything properly, so i would recommend you take it orally and not IM, whihc is fine for oxandralone as well as clen.

What is your goal with the cialis? Your not trying to make it injectable are you? water and oil dont mix too well bro, so you cant just mix the two, polarity is an issue. Once again, just make a suspension and take orally, it will be fine.