Post cycle therapy (pct) cycle : useless ?


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PCT cycle : useless ?

Hello everybody,

Recently I came across an article from a doctor about the use of taking a post cycle therapy (pct) cycle after a (pro)hormone cycle.
He was working in a well known clinique here in the Netherlands and did research on steroids.

I will try to translate some things so do not put attention to writing errors.

Primairy function : stimulates the body to start making testosteron again.
Secundairy function : blocks estrogen effects

Primairy function : blocks estrogen effects
Secundairy function : stimulates the body to start making testosteron again

His point was that after a (pro)hormone cycle the above two and other simular products ( like Pregnyl ) stimulate the body in a not natural way.

After having finished the post cycle therapy (pct) cycle , there is no stimulation anymore and the body drops back in the situation where less or no testosteron is being produced just like after having finished the (pro)hormone cycle.

It takes 3-9 months for the body to recover from a cycle ( if all ) to get the testosteron production back on course.

Acording to him many body builders start doing a next (pro)hormone cycle after the post cycle therapy (pct) cycle thinking that their bodies are back to normal again.
Then after X years to get into real physical problems.

He claimed that after a (pro)hormone cycle it was better for the body to eat well and clean , take vitamins , R-ala and a good tribulus.
Creatine and glutamine could be added too.

Myself I have already obtained my M1T , 4AD cycle and was wondering what to do after the cycle ( 6 weeks ). :dunno:

I would like to see you opinions on this .

I can't really say much about this guys claims. Their has been a many of studies and research published on Nolva and Clomid to debate these claims. I've actually read studies that argue Nolva's superiority over Clomid during the re-uptake of natty T production post cycle.

I can tell you, however, my personal experiences with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and post cycle therapy (pct). For me, post cycle therapy (pct) or NOT (my first cycle went without post cycle therapy (pct) (I was young & dumb)), it takes about 5 months (it seems) to "completely" recover - to completely feel normal. post cycle therapy (pct) helps though, definitly, but regardless its about 5 months time before hormone levels seem to balance out. Of course, blood tests are the best comfrimation. post cycle therapy (pct) seems to lessen post cycle side effects (I.E., depression, acne, & fluctuations in libido) in my case. I say lessen because that 5 month marks always seems inevitable.

That being said, I would not recomdend running any PH or Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycle without some sort of post cycle therapy (pct). Whether it be Nolva, Clomid, 6-OXO, Trib, or whatever claims/has been proven to raise natural T levels. These post cycle therapy (pct) drugs absolutly ease the transition between an assited and natty lifestyle.

I find that Trib seems to help. I also use a tonic and detox teas. One of my favorites is sasparilla (sp), which has been shown not only to cleans the blood but also raise natty T levels naturally. The chinees have used it for centuries. Aside from that, as this guy mentioned, clean eating helps also. Diet, sleep, & training will have a impact on natty T levels.
I agree w/SprtNvolvoM, post cycle therapy (pct) def. helps makes the transition easier. WOuld use nolva or clomid perferably, but 60x0 would be better then nothing. My very 1st cycle w/andro I didn't use post cycle therapy (pct) at all. TOok longer to get back to norm. Later, when I did my m1t cycle, used nolva and 60x0 and noticed a diff. in just a matter of days. It helps, don't be stupid and do a cycle w/o post cycle therapy (pct).
Also bvitamins, healthy diet, plenty of rest will all help during and after your cycle.
SprtNVolcoM said:
That being said, I would not recomdend running any PH or Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycle without some sort of post cycle therapy (pct). Whether it be Nolva, Clomid, 6-OXO, Trib, or whatever claims/has been proven to raise natural T levels. These post cycle therapy (pct) drugs absolutly ease the transition between an assited and natty lifestyle.

What would be the recommended dose for trib? I take it first thing in the AM and before I go to bed.
1BadBeast said:
What would be the recommended dose for trib? I take it first thing in the AM and before I go to bed.
I think the rec. dose is around 1,200mg to 1,500mg ED. I'm not exactly sure though. I dont think it matters really as long as you get what you want out of it. Trib is one of those weird herbs that some see benifits from and others dont. Everyone is different and will react differently to different dose/drugs ect. I find it works better at a higher mg ED. I dose it at around 3g. That's just my preffance - the dose at which I get what I want out of it (I.E., increased libido, better WOs, slight increases in strength (probably psychological), better moods). Experiment & find the dose which gives you what you want out of it.

One last thing, although I like to use Trib post cycle therapy (pct) and in efforts to bring up natty T levels, I dont see it as a huge contributing factor in muscle growth. I would never expect it to be used in this fashoin or for this reason. Keep your expectations low & realistic. I say this because it is marketed as a muscle promoting herb.

Take care..