Post cycle therapy (pct) with nolvadex only?(or clomid+nolva?)-probs w clomid sometimes!


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pct with nolvadex only?(or clomid+nolva?)-probs w clomid sometimes!

Hi i have been on test.enanthate 500mg/6days the last 10weeks+sustanon250mg/3days for +15weeks befoore that! and was woundering if a nolvadex only post cycle therapy (pct) is enough to kick the bodys own hormones back in gear again?
(only nolva at home at the moment but can get clomid in a couple of days or 1week at the most i have +5weeks more on test before post cycle therapy (pct) start+orals after last injection!)
(liver values=good just tested them)

i will probably go of the enanthate in about a month+(4-6weeks) i have been on testo for a while and now been having problems with infections in my mouth after pulling out a tooth(fever+pain)+other problems like agressions+right shoulder+back pains
(so it is time to rest for a while!the pain in shoulder+back is work related due to hevy lifting at work when moving furniture for people that is moving)(dont know english word for that work?mayby mover?)

Been eating penecilin since a couple of days back and will be using that for 14days(total time together+codein30mg+paracetamol500mg/tab*8tabs/day against the pain after pulling out the tooth that was infected!) before going back to the dentist!(eating some pain med that is called temgesic for pain+mogadon for sleep)
(hard to train on the narcotic med´s makes me sleepy/drowsy 24/7=hard to train when i am on the med´s for pain i got on prescription from the painclinic/hospital+dentist)

i havent been training due to fever(sweating+freezing=no good to train) and i thought due to the gains i have already got but are losing now due to the problems that i have i would go of in about a month(do a couple of weeks more with test.enanthate+mayby some deca for greasing up the shoulder if i can get a good/reliable brand where i live at the moment it is pretty empty on fastdeca(n-pprop! after the fever has gone away then post cycle therapy (pct) after that!)

post cycle therapy (pct) will be run for +3-4weeks (shorter is mayby enough?) and before that i will probably do proviron or winstrol or mayby dianabol up to a couple of weeks on injections+after the last i.m of test up untill days before post cycle therapy (pct) start!(3weeks befoore post cycle therapy (pct) start=las injection w t.enanthate)

Will do a standard post cycle therapy (pct) with nolvadex only!(if not anybody is thinking clomid would be better suited to use w the nolvadex during post cycle therapy (pct)?)

Will skip pregnyl never had any use for it except to keep the things below working better during+after disscontinuing a cycle!

the post cycle therapy (pct) will be something like this with nolvadex!
....Dosages of nolvadex for post cycle therapy (pct).....

Day 1 - 100mg (5tab)
Following 10 days - 60mg (3tab)
Following 10 days - 40mg (2tab)
Following 7days - 10 or 20mg (1/2 or 1tab)
(if needed or if 3weeks is enough?)

Or if it is better to do clomid w nolvadex?
Day 1 - Clomid 250mg(5)+Nolvadex 60mg=3
Following 10 days-Clomid 100mg(2) + Nolvadex 40mg(2)
Following 10 days-Clomid 50mg(1) + Nolvadex 20mg(1tab)

what would be the best?
Should mention i have a bit of a problem with clomid from time to time(depends)but not that terrible 50/50 of the times i use clomid i feel bad(like a babe on her period or something like that?)

So the easiest way is to ask if nolvadex is enough for post cycle therapy (pct) in the dosages i wrote?

(prefeere nolva only but if clomid is much better with nolva i will try it out and see how i feel on it!)